[tz] [news] DOT to map out nation’s time zones after report shows no official map exists

Tony Finch dot at dotat.at
Tue Sep 27 13:27:26 UTC 2022


: Federal transportation officials are now at work creating an accurate
: map of the nation’s time zones, according to a report by the inspector
: general for the Department of Transportation.
: The issue came up, the inspector general’s office said, after the US
: Senate passed legislation this year to end the biannual time turn by
: making Daylight Saving Time permanent.
: Investigators found no single map accurately showing the boundaries
: nationwide and said several sources of time information on the DOT
: website contained errors, such as inaccurately noting the time practices
: in some localities. For example, one map incorrectly identifies a
: deviation in Nevada: “Elko County, NV is shown as the location that
: changed time zones rather than the correct location, the city of West
: Wendover.”
: “The official boundaries are narratively described [in federal
: regulations] with various types of coordinates and geographic features
: such as lines of longitude, State or county lines, and rivers,” the
: report stated.

Tony Finch  <dot at dotat.at>  https://dotat.at/
Sole: Northwest 5 to 7, occasionally gale 8 until later. Rough or very
rough. Rain or showers. Good, occasionally poor.

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