[tz] leap_second.list not updated after latest IERS Bulletin C

Maximilian Linhoff maximilian.linhoff at tu-dortmund.de
Wed Dec 6 13:22:25 UTC 2023

Dear IANA Timezone People,

The latest leap_seconds.lst file you provide here:
and the other related files were last updated 2023-03-28.
The leap second table has an expiry date of 2023-12-28, which is
rapidly approaching.

There is IERS Bulletin C from 2023-07-04 announcing no new leap
second on 2023-12-31, so the expiry date of the list can be updated
to 2023-06-28.

Kind regards
Maximilian Linhoff

Maximilian Linhoff
PostDoc Astroteilchenphysik

Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät Physik / Astroteilchenphysik
Otto-Hahn-Str. 4a
44227 Dortmund

Tel.: +49 231 755 8895
maximilian.linhoff at tu-dortmund.de

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