[tz] leap_second.list not updated after latest IERS Bulletin C
Brooks Harris
brooks at edlmax.com
Fri Dec 8 19:58:44 UTC 2023
On 12/7/2023 9:29 PM, Paul Eggert via tz wrote:
> On 12/7/23 13:21, Geert Hendrickx wrote:
>> NTPsec logs the following at startup:
>> CLOCK: leapsecond file ('/etc/ntp/leap-seconds.list'): good hash
>> signature
>> CLOCK: leapsecond file ('/etc/ntp/leap-seconds.list'): loaded,
>> expire=2024-06-28T00:00Z last=2017-01-01T00:00Z ofs=37
>> So I *guess* (without having looked at the code) that it actually cares
>> about the expiration date as well.
> I think you're right NTPsec does care, though I vaguely recall that if
> the file has expired the only issue is an unwanted log message.
> If people are running NTPsec and configuring it to use TZDB's
> leap-seconds.list, that unwanted log message could be an issue. I just
> now checked the NTPsec source code, though, and by default it uses
> this URL:
> https://www.ietf.org/timezones/data/leap-seconds.list
> which hasn't worked in a while; the contents are simply "ietf.org is
> no longer serving this file." So it may be that we don't need to issue
> a new TZDB release merely because 2023c's leap-seconds.list will be
> out-of-date soon.
>> (but we periodically download it from IERS, not from TZ)
> In that case your setup is OK as-is, though we may still need to hear
> from other people to see whether they're relying on the TZDB copy of
> leap-seconds.list.
> TZDB uses the NIST version of leap-seconds.list rather than the IERS
> version, as the NIST version is clearly public domain and so this way
> we don't have to worry about copyright issues. However, the IERS
> version should work fine with either NTPsec or with other downstream
> uses, such as TZDB itself (that is, if you're not worried about
> copyright).
In my opinion TzDb should update the leap-seconds.list date and issue a
TzDb release because there's no telling who might be using it and
perhaps relying on the expiry date.
The current expiry date at
https://ftp.iana.org/tz/tzdb-2023c/leap-seconds.list is
# File expires on: 28 December 2023
The current expiry date at
ftp://ftp.boulder.nist.gov/pub/time/leap-seconds.list is
# File expires on: 28 June 2024
There are other sources at IERS besides Bulletin C. In my development
work I've been using:
This file has a different form, using MJD rather than "number of seconds
since 1 January 1900, 00:00:00".
Note that, as I understand it, Bulletin C is the only official
"product" of the IERS. But this Leap_Second_History.dat file has been
being issued and maintained for years.
I cannot comment expertly on "copyright", but it seems to me anything
from IERS must be public domain, isn't it? How is it not?
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