[tz] strftime %s

Robert Elz kre at munnari.OZ.AU
Sun Jan 14 04:34:02 UTC 2024

    Date:        Sat, 13 Jan 2024 19:40:40 -0800
    From:        Guy Harris <gharris at sonic.net>
    Message-ID:  <5437FC1E-09EA-4D68-918E-7378B151A3D5 at sonic.net>

  | So we're presumably ruling out AIX and Solaris,

Do you seriously believe that either of those is going to do
the work needed to upgrade to the coming version of POSIX?

Users of those are (I suspect) going to have to live with
implementations of the previous standard, forever.

There are very many changes in the coming version - the first
real update since 2008 (the intervening issued have just been
corrections and clarifications) - and this one has more changes
than the previous one had over its predecessor.


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