[tz] strftime %s

Guy Harris gharris at sonic.net
Sun Jan 14 05:00:28 UTC 2024

On Jan 13, 2024, at 8:34 PM, Robert Elz <kre at munnari.OZ.AU> wrote:

>    Date:        Sat, 13 Jan 2024 19:40:40 -0800
>    From:        Guy Harris <gharris at sonic.net>
>    Message-ID:  <5437FC1E-09EA-4D68-918E-7378B151A3D5 at sonic.net>
>  | So we're presumably ruling out AIX and Solaris,
> Do you seriously believe that either of those is going to do
> the work needed to upgrade to the coming version of POSIX?

Solaris's certification has lapsed, so probably not.

AIX's hasn't, so I do not believe there is enough information out there to seriously believe either that IBM will update it or IBM will not update it.

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