[UA-discuss] Thailand EAI Workshop on May 8th, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand

Wilas Chamlertwat drwilas at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 16:26:57 UTC 2015

Dear Community

We are pleased to inform you that the Thai Netwrok Information Center
(THNIC) Foundation and the Electronic Transactions Development Agency
(Public Organization) or ETDA are co-organising a one day event on
Thailand EAI Workshop on May 8th, 2015 in Bangkok, Thailand.

The workshop aims to look at the Thai community to identify the key
players and how to promote the usage of Thai IDN and EAI to enhance
local internet penetration and minimize digital divide. Expecting
results form the workshop would be a list of tasks, action plan and
timeframe, and plan executors appointment.

We are welcome everybody in USAG to join the event.
For more information, please visit http://thnic.or.th/eai-workshop
If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me anytime.

Best Regards,
Wilas Chamlertwat, Ph.D.
Event Coordinator
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