[UA-discuss] [UA-EAI] [Ext] Re: UA-EAI WG charter

Roberto Gaetano roberto_gaetano at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 13 18:24:16 UTC 2019

Although I agree with Dennis that we need to prioritise, I wonder whether the human resources involved in usability and awareness are different.
I am thinking, for instance, about the internet user community that by and large does not have the technical skills for fixing problems, but can promote Universal Acceptance. This can be done without much additional resources, but doing things like, for instance, making sure that in all meetings that each of us attends there is a session or at least some side discussions about UA.

On 13.08.2019, at 15:16, Tan Tanaka, Dennis via UA-discuss <ua-discuss at icann.org<mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org>> wrote:

I don’t believe anyone is suggesting we need to solely focus on one audience or the other. The UASG has limited resources (time, people, funds, etc.), so the key to our success is to find our priorities and execute.

Question is, what does the UASG solve for first? usability or awareness. I think we ought to focus first on usability, that is, make software work. Influence developers and the like to expand their assumptions vis-à-vis i18n. Fix code. Along these lines, there is an awareness component, but focused on people that work on code. As the applications ecosystem becomes UA-ready, the next phase may be a wider effort of awareness targeted to general end-users to increase usage, and hopefully adoption.

UASG is also looking at working to outreach governments, as consumers of technology. The hope is to educate and inform these organizations about the latest developments on online identifiers, so that their systems keep up with them.


From: UA-EAI <ua-eai-bounces at icann.org<mailto:ua-eai-bounces at icann.org>> on behalf of Harish Chowdhary <intern3tgovernance at gmail.com<mailto:intern3tgovernance at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, August 13, 2019 at 8:07 AM
To: Jay Daley <jay at techobscura.com<mailto:jay at techobscura.com>>
Cc: "UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:UA-discuss at icann.org>" <ua-discuss at icann.org<mailto:ua-discuss at icann.org>>, "ua-eai at icann.org<mailto:ua-eai at icann.org>" <ua-eai at icann.org<mailto:ua-eai at icann.org>>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [UA-EAI] [UA-discuss] [Ext] Re: UA-EAI WG charter

I disagree Jay. We need entire internet community along with developers to achieve the goals of this group.

Harish Chowdhary

On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 4:08 PM Jay Daley <jay at techobscura.com<mailto:jay at techobscura.com>> wrote:
I would like to note that I disagree with the recommendations about travel for multiple community members.

The purpose of UASG should be to get non-compliant code changed and we should be using 95% of our resources to that goal. In the last couple of years we have become focused on promotion, branding, outreach, ambassadors, measurement, etc, which are all useful but have only an indirect impact on our goal. We are in danger of 95% of our resources going on these activities and our goal being achieved very, very slowly as a result.

I would like to see travel limited to the chair and vice-chair attending only two icann meetings a year and the rest of our resources directly targeted at getting the code changed.

Kind regards

(sent from my phone)

Jay Daley
Managing Director
techobscura Limited
+64 21 678840
skype: jaydaley

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Harish Chowdhary,
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