[UA-discuss] Published UASG042 UA-Readiness of Web Hosting Tools (cPanel, Plesk, ISPConfig)!

Seda Akbulut seda.akbulut at icann.org
Tue Oct 18 15:17:22 UTC 2022

Dear UASG members,

Based on the Statement of Work the Measurement Working Group created, a new study has been published on UASG.tech, “UA-Readiness of Web Hosting Tools (cPanel, Plesk, ISPConfig)”.

“Web servers, email servers, and backend databases provide the building blocks of a website’s functionality. This report reveals that to what extent the web hosting tools offer the capacity for customers to build websites and host emails in accordance with Universal Acceptance in nine different configurations on different operating systems (Linux and Windows for Plesk; Linux for cPanel and ISPConfig).”

UASG042 covering this study has been published on the UASG Document Hub. Here are quick links for your convenience:

  *   UASG 042 (PDF) Report  https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig-en/ [uasg.tech]<https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig-en/%20%5buasg.tech%5d>
  *   UASG 042A (PPT) Presentation https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042a-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig/ [uasg.tech]<https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042a-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig/%20%5buasg.tech%5d>
  *   UASG042B (ZIP) Annexes for the ISPConfig patch and test scenarios https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042b-annexes-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig-en/ [uasg.tech]<https://uasg.tech/download/uasg-042b-annexes-ua-readiness-of-web-hosting-tools-cpanel-plesk-ispconfig-en/%20%5buasg.tech%5d>

Enjoy reading and feel free to share within your network.

Best regards,
Seda Akbulut
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