[UA-discuss] Experimental EAI "free trial" services under one's own domain name?

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Sat Jul 1 20:31:31 UTC 2023

Hello, Sudhanwa Jogalekar:

Thank you for your reply. I appreciate the offer of a free account for a 

I am not actually asking for myself. The UASG Email Address 
Internationalisation (EAI) Working Group has a goal of making it easier 
for people and organisations to experiment with using globally inclusive 
EAI email addresses. We hope that some of these experiments will turn 
into actual use. This should drive demand for universal acceptance of 
globally inclusive email addresses and domain names. Thus, any URLs I 
find which offer a "free trial" of EAI email servers might become part 
of a list we publish to encourage such experiments.

When you say, "we can give you a free account", does "we" mean 
IDNMail.net? Or are you speaking for yourself?

At IDNmail.net's website, it says, "Providing The Topmost Email Services 
for International Domain Names". This sounds quite exciting to me. I 
would love it if IDNmail.net were to attempt the EAI WG's "EAI 
Self-Certification" process, described at 
<https://uasg.tech/eai-certification>. It seems like a Gold or Platinum 
certification logo would be a good way to communicate to prospective 
customers who are looking for EAI services.

I am very glad that you brought this to the group's attention. Thank you!

Best regards,
     —Jim DeLaHunt (member of the EAI Working Group)

On 2023-07-01 07:59, Sudhanwa Jogalekar wrote:
> Hi,
> We can give you a free account for trial on your domain and your email 
> id. Please let us know your requirement.
> Meanwhile you can check idnmail.net <http://idnmail.net>
> Regards
> Sudhanwa Jogalekar
> On Tue, Jun 27, 2023, 8:49 PM Jim DeLaHunt via UA-discuss 
> <ua-discuss at icann.org> wrote:
>     I am interested in how someone could set up an experimental EAI
>     (globally inclusive) email server, under their own non-Latin
>     domain name
>     and with non-Latin local parts.  I have heard that email service
>     providers, e.g. maybe Microsoft or Google or Data Xgen, have "free
>     trial" services by which one could set up an experimental server.
>     But I
>     don't know the specifics.
>     Can anyone point me to a URL which describe the "free trial"
>     services of
>     a particular vendor?
>     Please help me collect information on what is already available. I
>     appreciate replies to the list.
>     Best regards,
>          —Jim DeLaHunt, from Canada
>     -- 
>          --Jim DeLaHunt, jdlh at jdlh.com http://blog.jdlh.com/
>     (http://jdlh.com/)
>            multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada
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       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada
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