[UA-discuss] Universal acceptance status of directory-based identity-related services?

Vadim Mikhaylov mva at cctld.ru
Mon Jul 3 12:16:46 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

During the conversation with our developers we found out that sometimes 
one of the key stones of an information system software stack could be 
directory-based identity-related services, like MS Active Directory, 
FreeIPA, Samba etc... My apologize in advance if I've missed something 
in uasg.tech documents, but did someone made any researches about 
universal acceptance level of mentioned above software or maybe another  
directory-based identity-related service?

Thank you in advance for response, I would really appreciate any 
information around the topic.

Best, Vadim.

Respectfully, Vadim A. Mikhaylov
Infrastructure consulting
Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ
cctld.ru | кц.рф

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