[UA-discuss] Get ready for UA Day on 28th March 2023

ajay at data.in ajay at data.in
Fri Mar 10 07:32:30 UTC 2023

Dear All

I am pleased to share 50 events happening in 40+ countries to celebrate UA Day on 28th March 2023. See list of events with  locations.  https://uasg.tech/ua-day/ #multistakeholder 

These are Global Effort to Drive a More Inclusive and Multilingual Internet.
ICANN and the UASG is working together to Mobilize the Global Internet Community for Universal Acceptance.

See the press release.

Please block your calendar and share with others to chose the event they would like to attend. 

The success of UA day is not possible without all of us contributing to it and raise awareness of UA in your region.

Looking forward to witness one of the largest multi stakeholders event.

Best wishes 

Dr. Ajay Data
Chair - UASG

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