[UA-discuss] Guidelines on linkification for URLs with non-ASCII characters

Maria Kolesnikova masha at cctld.ru
Thu May 4 11:15:20 UTC 2023

Dear all,


We are happy to share with you the Guidelines on linkification for URLs with
non-ASCII characters, that have been developed by the Russian Working Group
on Universal Acceptance recently.

The document provides best practices related to identification in a text and
automated creation of hyperlinks containing domain names and email addresses
in non-ASCII scripts. It can be helpful for software developers implementing
linkification mechanisms. The document also includes some proposals on how
to behave if script mixing is detected in any label of the domain name.

Hope these short guidelines can be of any assistance in your work on
Universal Acceptance implementation.

If you have any comments on the document, we would be glad to hear them.


With best regards,

Maria Kolesnikova


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