[UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March 2024)

Maria Kolesnikova masha at cctld.ru
Wed Mar 27 08:18:31 UTC 2024

Dear UASG members,


Kindly remind you to join the Universal Acceptance Day 2024 keystone event
in Belgrade, Serbia. It will be held on 28th March, tomorrow.


The event is organized in hybrid format.  If you are planning to participate
remotely, please register prior to the event: https://uaday.rs/?lang=en


For remote participants the link for streaming in English will be available
on 28th of March: https://youtube.com/live/AnkqOvgte5Y?feature=share



Best regards,


Maria Kolesnikova 

Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative



From: UA-discuss <ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Maria
Kolesnikova via UA-discuss
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2024 2:09 PM
To: ua-discuss at icann.org
Subject: [UA-discuss] Invitation to Global UA Day keynote event (28 March


Dear UASG members,


On behalf of the CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative, I would like
to invite you to join the Universal Acceptance (UA) Day 2024 keystone event
in Serbia. 


The Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Foundation (RNIDS), a member
of CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative has the honor to be the host
of the second UA Day keystone event. The event is organized by ICANN in
partnership with RNIDS and UASG and will take place on 28th March in Crown
Plaza hotel in Belgrade. 


The UA Day 2024 keystone event will gather representatives of international
and local organizations, engineers, university professors, internet experts
as well as software developers from all parts of the world to debate on the
various UA-related topics. During the four panels, along with a technical
workshop that will be organized, successful stories of UA implementation and
UA ready solutions will be delivered, however challenges of implementing UA
will also be discussed. Experiences and insights will be shared by experts
from various countries, UA Ambassadors and UA Local Initiatives. These
sessions will help interested stakeholders to better understand the benefits
of UA and how they can make their systems UA-ready.


A full schedule of the event is now published on: https://uaday.rs/?lang=en


Registration is open! Attendees can join the event onsite or participate
online via link that will be delivered to the registered participants.



Looking forward to meet you on the event!


With kind regards,


Maria Kolesnikova 

Chair, CIS-EE Universal Acceptance Local Initiative




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