[UA-discuss] Reporting a web app which is not UA-Ready

Jim DeLaHunt list+uasg at jdlh.com
Wed May 15 17:11:02 UTC 2024

Hello, UASG? I would like to report a web application which is not UA-Ready.

UASG SOI form rejecting globally inclusive email address

The web application is the UASG Statement of Interest (SOI) application 
form, reached via <https://uasg.tech/join/>.

The form includes:

> Your email address *
> This information will not be published publicly on the SoI.
> [ जिम@डाटामेल.भारत ]
> (!) Invalid email format
The form says that my EAI email address (written in Hindi) is "invalid".

I would understand if the form said, "sorry, we have to ask for a 
latin-limited email address in this field, because we are subscribing it 
to our email lists, and the lists currently support only latin-limited 
email addresses, we are embarrased about that limitation and intend to 
fix it." But no, the form says that my globally-inclusive address is 

Also, I asked for a copy of my form to be sent to this Hindi email 
address. The form accepted the globally-inclusive address as the 
destination for my copy. However, it has been several minutes, and my 
copy of the form has not arrived. I wonder if this part of the SOI web 
app is actually UA-ready.

Best regards,
      —Jim DeLaHunt

     --Jim DeLaHunt,jdlh at jdlh.com      http://blog.jdlh.com/  (http://jdlh.com/)
       multilingual websites consultant, Vancouver, Canada
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