[UA-discuss] What does SOI acceptance imply?

Tex textexin at xencraft.com
Wed May 15 19:17:26 UTC 2024

As others have mentioned, requesting and publishing my image and linkedin or other details is a lot for participating in a mailing list.

So presumably acceptance of my SOI implies a more significant role in the group than being on a mailing list and I would like to capture that on my bio.

It seems only fair, as UASG is benefitting from the credibility my background adds to the publication of the list membership.


How shall I describe this role? Author? Contributor? Based on the SOI questions, am I part of UASG governance and therefore a manager? Am I a policy maker?


And when UASG publishes a document will I and the rest of the SOI submitters be listed as contributors or perhaps governors?




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