[UA-Tech] BIUWG action item for Tech and Measurement WGs

John Levine john.levine at standcore.com
Tue Nov 21 15:08:00 UTC 2023

On Tue, 21 Nov 2023, Hervé Hounzandji wrote:
> As a technician, it would be necessary to establish a clear definition of
> "variant" of a domain name otherwise we will not be able to move forward.
> So, I need more details.
> For example : myname.tld
> variants are only on *myname *or on both *myname *and the *TLD *?
> For me, variants must concern only the first side : myname.

Both.  There are already rules in most TLDs that allow IDNs that say what 
2LD names go in a variant bundle and what the rules are for registering 
names in each bundle.  Many of the variant bundle rules are filed with 
IANA at https://www.iana.org/domains/idn-tables

Taiwan has a DNAME that tries to make the simplified version of its TLD 
name "the same" as the traditional version:

xn--kprw13d.		3600	IN	DNAME	xn--kpry57d.

China has the two versions of its TLD name separately delegated:

xn--fiqs8s.		86400	IN	SOA	h.dns.cn. root.cnnic.cn. 2027568500 3600 900 604800 3600

xn--fiqz9s.		86400	IN	SOA	h.dns.cn. root.cnnic.cn. 2027568412 3600 900 604800 3600

I don't know what they do about registrations in one vs. the other, but 
they do have extensive tables to show what the variant bundles for each 
character are:


John Levine, john.levine at standcore.com
Standcore LLC

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