[UA-Tech] UASG Five Year Strategic Planning FY(2025 - 2029)

Jothan Frakes jothan at jothan.com
Mon Oct 9 17:34:16 UTC 2023

Hi Seda-

I recently got roped into an ASCII gTLD's efforts in attempting to get
What'sApp to deal with linkification, and the reporting party has
discovered a 'matryoshka nesting doll' situation of the use of static TLD
lists in operating systems and core libraries that were last updated in

That issue specific to the OS and application seems to be addressed, as was
one with the linkification library on one of the impacted operating
systems, but the reporting party continues to discover and report.

The issue got submitted to the Public Suffix List github, as there was a
belief that it was able to solve this, but the PSL is really just a catalog
with no reach into the downline applications and other uses that
incorporate it, or with what frequency they might.

There should be more active involvement at developer conferences and key
communities in the developer space, but that is a large ocean to attempt to
swim in because it is very different than ICANN's waters.

Devs just want quick 'domain or not' logic, and they do not really care for
spending the time in any protracted policy discussions, were there even a
SO/AC for them and their interests within the ICANN-o-Sphere.

This type of issue of UA comes up a lot and I have volunteered thousands of
hours to help maintain the PSL due to the manner in which it helps things,
but I think at the core there is a massive disconnect between developers
and the ICANN world due to massive contrasts that exist between structure,
pace, culture, goal/objectives etc which are a difficult to quikly solve.
 Without tugging at that thread on the sweater, I think the core matter is
that a lot of this is akin to a Y2K bug without the urgency of December 31,

Perhaps it might be worse... pointing out that for developers to have to
revisit code - this is often a surprise scope/cost that may not have budget
or even resourcing, plus there is also a possible 'egg-on-face' issue of
getting embarrassed about having not gotten something right the first time,
perhaps other issues.

Rather than pointing this likely familiar and aggressively inconvenient
aspect of the gaps that plague UA, I came up with an idea that I'd like to
float, and in the context of the budget planning, would hope to see
resourced to recognize UA champions who step up.

There were some dedicated recognition pages where companies' or engineer's
(or others' who help) names get listed in recognition of being champions,
along with what components that they updated.  I'd suggest that this would
not be expensive, and there is value to people that could point to their
name being listed as part of their CV or other accolades.
It may require special consideration due to privacy regulation, but there's
likely an opt-in process as part of submitting.

The resourcing would be the web page and some form of coordinator / review
and curation of the champions list.  If it really took hold, one could have
awards, categories or other expansion of recognition, things like badges
that could be shown on linked-in or xing, or printed certificate plaque pdf
that can be framed and placed on office wall.

It won't solve all the gaps, and may not motivate 100% of the
key/crucial/necessary participants, but is really not a lot, but rather
than spiffs or bounties, it is a recognition that could be meaningful
enough to attract some momentum and solutions to happen.

Currently, due to there being a lot of tech debt involved, there is low
allure to shining flashlights into the corners of how code might be looking
at domains - ASCII or IDN.  Perhaps elevating and recognizing those who do
(or their employers) is a way to help exchange the costs of doing so for
some ability to flex some accolades or virtue signalling.

Please steal and use this idea, and if it does work, plan that there is
budget for it considered.


On Mon, Oct 9, 2023 at 12:47 AM Seda Akbulut via UA-Tech <ua-tech at icann.org>

> Dear all,
> UASG Leadership Team drafted the “Five-Year Strategic Plan for UASG” in
> achieving UA goals. The plan will be further consulted to the community at
> a dedicated session at ICANN78.
> Please kindly review the plan and share your inputs what actions should
> each UASG Working Group (Measurement, EAI,Comms,Tech WGs) take in the next
> 5 years.
> As we do annual action plan
> <https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/UASG-FY24-Action-Plan.pdf>
> for UASG, this time, we are kindly asking each WG to come up with a 5-year
> action plan.
> This topic will be included in the upcoming UASG WG recurring meetings.
> The timeline for this planning process is shared in the table below.
> Accordingly, each WG should aim to finalize their 5-year action plan by 31
> December 2023.
> *Five Year Strategic Plan FY (2025 - 2029)**: *
> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1D2obkDSmhH-6mI5BDQT06F0ox42MCRL2h2a-e6wYLSE/edit?usp=sharing
> To keep abreast of all the updates and discussions around this, we highly
> recommend each of you to join the following meeting at ICANN78:
> Tue, 24 Oct
> 10:30 - 12:30
> <https://icann78.sched.com/event/1T4OU/five-year-planning-for-universal-acceptance-ua-and-governance-of-ua-steering-group-uasg>
> local time
> (08:30 am – 10:30 am UTC)
> Hall C
> Five-Year Planning for Universal Acceptance (UA) and Governance of UA
> Steering Group (UASG)
> https://icann78.sched.com/event/1T4OU/five-year-planning-for-universal-acceptance-ua-and-governance-of-ua-steering-group-uasg?iframe=no
> Here is the timeline for the next phases, for your information.
> Actions
> Owner
> Deadline
> Strategic plan: Discuss with community in Hamburg ICANN78 – Oct
> Admin WG
> 21-26 October 2023
> Strategic plan: After the Coordination WG inputs,  ask each WG to come up
> with their 5-year plan to reach 5-year goals by 31 December.
> EAI, Tech, Measurement, Comms WGs
> 31 December 2023
> Strategic plan: Compile WG inputs and discuss with Coord WG and Admin
> team.
> Staff
> 30 January 2023
> Strategic plan: Get community input by 15 Feb.
> Staff
> 15 February 2024
> Strategic plan: Finalize the plan by 27 Feb
> Coordination WG
> 27 February 2024
> Strategic plan: Present at ICANN79
> Admin WG
> 4 March 2024
> Thank you for your time and inputs.
> Best regards,
> Seda Akbulut
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