[Ws2-jurisdiction] Jurisdiction Subgroup: Agenda for Meeting #11 at 13:00 UTC today

Vinay Kesari vinay.kesari at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 07:54:39 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Please find attached the agenda for today's subgroup meeting at 13:00 UTC.

Below are links to the two documents we have been working on, for ease of

1. "What is the influence of ICANN’s existing jurisdiction(s) relating to
resolution of disputes (i.e., choice of law and venue) on the actual
operation of ICANN’s policies and accountability mechanisms?" -

2. "Multiple Layers of Jurisdiction" document: https://docs.google.com/

I'm also taking the liberty of pasting below the reformulated “experience”
questions referenced in the agenda, which Greg had sent via email about 8
hours ago.


Vinay & Greg


*1.       Has your business, your privacy or your ability to use or
purchase DNS-related services, been affected by ICANN's jurisdiction* in
any way?*

*If the answer is Yes, please describe specific cases, situations or
incidents, including the date, the parties involved, and links to any
relevant documents.  Please note that “effects” may be positive or

*2.       Has ICANN's jurisdiction* affected any dispute resolution process
or litigation related to domain names you have been involved in?*

*If the answer is Yes, please describe specific cases, situations or
incidents, including the date, the parties involved, and links to any
relevant documents.    Please note that “effects” may be positive or

*3.       Do you have copies of and/or links to any reports of experiences
of other parties that would be responsive to the questions above?*

*If the answer is yes, please provide these copies and/or links.*


**  For these questions, “ICANN’s jurisdiction” refers to (a) ICANN being
subject to U.S. and California law as a result of its incorporation and
location in California, (b) ICANN being subject to the laws of any other
country as a result of its location or contacts with that country, or (c)
any “choice of law” or venue provisions in agreements with ICANN.  *
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