[AT-Review] FW: A&T review tender

Alice Jansen alice.jansen at icann.org
Thu Jun 10 15:25:48 UTC 2010

Dear Review Team,

Find enclosed a second request for additional information.

Please specify what "financial information on the party" entails. Thank you.

Very best regards


From: Robert Lloyd [mailto:rlloyd at oneworldtrust.org]
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 11:09 AM
To: Alice Jansen
Subject: A&T review tender

Dear Alice,

I am in the process of pulling together a proposal for the A&T review tender which needs to be in tomorrow and was wondering if you could clarify for me what "financial information on the party" i should include in the proposal?  Also, is there a specific time by which the proposals need to be submitted tomorrow?


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