[AT-Review] Meetings in Cartagena

Fabio Colasanti fabio at colasanti.it
Tue Nov 16 08:28:09 UTC 2010

I also agree with Chris.




From: at-review-bounces at icann.org [mailto:at-review-bounces at icann.org] On
Behalf Of Chris Disspain
Sent: 16 November 2010 00:25
To: at-review at icann.org
Cc: olof.nordling at icann.org; alice.jansen at icann.org
Subject: Re: [AT-Review] Meetings in Cartagena




This is in danger of getting out of hand.


If we meet with every SO or AC separately there’s not a lot of point in
having a main session on Monday. The Monday main sessions are intended to be
for everyone to attend which is why generally SO and AC meetings don’t clash
with the Monday main session meetings.


On the other hand, as Brian has correctly identified, if we start meeting
separately with SOs and ACs we have to be available to meet with them all.


All of this after the comment period on the report has closed. 


I can see a special case for meeting one on one with the GAC because, like
the Board, they are the subject of specific recommendations re the Board/GAC


I’m unclear why other SOs and ACs cannot simply attend the Monday session. 




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From: at-review-bounces at icann.org [mailto:at-review-bounces at icann.org] On
Behalf Of Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Sent: Tuesday, 16 November 2010 10:08
To: olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com
Cc: alice.jansen at icann.org; olof.nordling at icann.org; at-review at icann.org
Subject: Re: [AT-Review] Meetings in Cartagena


Adam / NomCom  could fit onto a group AC/SO meeting as well I suppose  but
again any scheduled time with him will need to be micro managed into already
tight schedules... and early in the week when werer all still there...

Cheryl Langdon-Orr

On 16 November 2010 09:06, <olivier.muron at orange-ftgroup.com> wrote:



I met Adam Peake in Paris at the end of last week.

As you know, he will chair the NomCom next year.


If feasible, he would also like to meet us in Cartagena.






De : at-review-bounces at icann.org [mailto:at-review-bounces at icann.org] De la
part de Brian Cute
Envoyé : lundi 15 novembre 2010 20:09
À : at-review at icann.org
Cc : 'Olof Nordling'; 'Alice Jansen'
Objet : [AT-Review] Meetings in Cartagena



Diane Schroeder has confirmed the ATRT meeting with the ICANN Board on
Sunday, December 5, 2010 at 4:00p.m. to 5:30p.m.  The meeting with the
public is scheduled for Monday from 2:00p.m. to 3:30p.m.  


I have been asked by Heather Dryden of the GAC and by the GNSO for
face-to-face meetings.  I had discussed with Heather and Chuck Gomes that
our intention was to meet with the Board and the public only in Cartagena
and not meet with all the ACs and SOs as we did in Brussels.  However, if
the organizations feel it is important to meet, my view is that the ATRT
should attempt to accommodate these requests conscious of two facts:  1) if
the ATRT meets with one or two ACs/SOs, there may be a negative perception
from ACs/SOs that the ATRT does not meet with; and 2) it may be difficult to
schedule all members of the RT to attend every scheduled meeting.


I propose the following:  I will send an email to the Chairs of each AC/SO
indicating that the ATRT intends to have a meeting with the Board and the
public in Cartagena.  I will note that the ATRT has been asked for a meeting
by the GNSO and the GAC and will give each Chair the opportunity to request
a meeting if their group wishes to do so.  With respect to scheduling
meetings and attendance by ATRT members, I recognize we may not have the
entire RT at each meeting.  I have spoken with Manal and she and I will
commit to making scheduled meetings (at least one of us). 




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