[Area 1] Petition Process

Kavouss Arasteh kavouss.arasteh at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 05:43:26 UTC 2015

Dear Jordan,
Thank you very much for your kind reply.
First of all there a clear contradiction in what you described with which I
fully agree and the reply you did provide in the last WPè1 call in saying "
Kavous , there is n voting in the petition stage " Now you confirmed what
is described Under petition general introduction the each So or AC that
launches a petition first must agree on the petition by simple majority
.That is VOTING what you did not agree at the last CALL
7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 ) WITH THAT REFERRED TO IN 368.

2015-10-12 1:51 GMT+02:00 Jordan Carter <jordan at internetnz.net.nz>:

> hi Kavouss, all:
> Let me try and be clear - I don't think there is a contradiction here, but
> let's see what you think.
> The petition step is an SO or AC choosing to trigger the use of a power.
> If the petition happens, then there is the community discussion in the
> Forum, and then the right for everyone to vote (or express a consensus
> view, if we change to that) on whether the power is used.
> There has to be some way to "start the process". The petition step is the
> start.
> To create a petition, an SO or AC would have to decide to do it. That's
> the voting you quote - the "simple majority" - the idea was each SO or AC
> follows its usual process, not a supermajority one.
> Once the SO or AC decides and if it decides to do the petition, then the
> petition is lodged and the whole SO/AC community is told "A petition has
> been received from ____ SO, and so the question of using the community
> power is now asked."
> Then the discussion phase.
> After that, the decision phase, when all the participating SOs or ACs
> decide whether or not the power should be used. That could be voting, or
> the new community consensus approach we are discussing.
> I don't see any contradiction here. What do you think, Kavouss, all?
> cheers
> Jordan
> On 12 October 2015 at 03:21, Kavouss Arasteh <kavouss.arasteh at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Dear Co-Chairs
>> As I did mention at several occasions there number of inconsistencies
>> between various part of the second Draft Proposals some of which I raised
>> and some others I did ask to be checked by the authors of these parts.
>> One of these inconsistencies are the petition process,
>> 368 stipulate that
>> Quote
>> "*To trigger community consideration for the use of a community power,
>> an SO or AC has to agree by a resolution of its governing Body that the
>> power should be used - the threshold to agree the resolution is a simple
>> majority" *( means voting ,emphasis is added )
>> Unquote
>> At the last WP1 I raised the same question, but Jordan replied that
>> At the level of potion no voting is required ?
>> What is wrong and what is right?
>> Is the statement in paragraph 368 as quoted above is correct? Or if the
>> explanation by Jordan is correct?
>> Moreover sub-section 7.3 and 7.4 do not make any clear reference in which
>> the petition is carried out whereas sun-section 7.3 and 7.4 referred to
>> that process.
>> In addition to that , in regard with Fundamental Bylaws the situation is
>> not clearly mention in regard with initiation of petition in each SO and or
>> AC?
>> Consequently, there is a need to closely look at the issue and other
>> inconsistencies which may exist,
>> Regards
>> Kavouss
> --
> Jordan Carter
> Chief Executive
> *InternetNZ*
> +64-4-495-2118 (office) | +64-21-442-649 (mob)
> Email: jordan at internetnz.net.nz
> Skype: jordancarter
> Web: www.internetnz.nz
> *A better world through a better Internet *
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