[DT-F] Revised section III.A.iii.a

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Tue Jun 2 06:23:53 UTC 2015

Attached is a revision of the DTF section (III.A.iii.a) of the CWG proposal.

In the previous version, that section and Annex N were at times 
inconsistent or confusing. I have merged the two and Annex N is no 
longer required. This has made for a longer section in the body of 
the report, but given the timing and need for precision, there does 
not seem to be a viable alternative.

I believe that this incorporates all of the changes we have discussed 
and addresses most of the issues raised in the public comment. In 
some cases, as I was drafting this document, I altered how I 
responded to the specific comments from what I and Chuck discussed in 
our earlier e-mails, but I think the result still follows the intent.

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