[CWG-Stewardship] Additional Coordination Through New Transition Facilitation Calls

Grace Abuhamad grace.abuhamad at icann.org
Tue Jul 21 16:17:05 UTC 2015

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Additional Coordination Through New Transition Facilitation Calls
One of the words most often heard during the IANA Stewardship Transition and
Enhancing ICANNAccountability processes has been coordination ­ coordination
amongst communities, coordination amongst members and participants of
working groups, coordination amongst community and staff members.
As many who follow these processes know, they can at times be complex, and
are interrelated. One group can rely on another for various needs, such as
the formal dependency between CWG-Stewardship and CCWG-Accountability, or
the necessary inputs groups contribute into each other¹s processes by way of
Public Comment periods.
At an informal breakfast meeting during ICANN53 in Buenos Aires with many of
the transition working group chairs and SO/AC leaders, we shared a working
draft transition timeline, and discussed how we could better ensure clearer
alignment amongst all the agendas, timelines and expectations.
As a result of the discussion that followed, the group decided it would hold
monthly facilitation calls with each other, ICANN leadership and NTIA, to
discuss where each group stands at that given point in time. The group also
decided that these meetings would not to be used to discuss substance.
The group agreed to share publicly the working draft transition timeline
nsition-timeline-16jul15-en.pdf>  [PDF, 1.01 MB], as well as an audio file
n.mp3>  [MP3, 8.32 MB] of the first call with the community held last
Thursday.  As we move steadily towards completion of the first phase of the
IANA Stewardship Transition process, it is vital that we all stay aligned,
and these monthly calls will help facilitate that.
To listen to the audio of the first call, please see here:
- TS

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