[Gnso-newgtld-dg] - Issue Collection Template

Bret Fausett bret at nic.sexy
Fri Sep 12 17:42:11 UTC 2014

A little helpful background on the purpose and use of the template.

The "issue reports" that precede the creation of a GNSO Policy Development Process are created by the ICANN staff. Given the potential magnitude of that task given the present growing set of issues on new gTLDs, coupled with the fact that the Staff creation of the issue reports is time-limited once the reports are requested, I think it's a good idea that Steve and his team have provided us with a list of the inputs that they would find necessary or helpful when writing up the issue reports. 

Now, that said, while I encourage everyone to read the model template and work toward it when possible, I don't want anyone to think that the use of the template is required, at least at this stage. I don't want the use of the template to create friction on the submission of issues. 

We also can treat this as an iterative process. Let's get all of the issues on the table and try to understand the problems that the issues are designed to address. This is really Questions 1 and 5 of the template.  If you have time to complete the template in full, that's great, but if you want to start with just the formulation of the issue (#1) and perhaps a general overview of the problem (#5), that's fine too. Once all of the issues are on the table, we can start to discuss them and flesh out some of the issues that Steve and his team will need. 

I think it's really helpful that we know upfront how ICANN staff will be organizing its work, and we ought to organize our own work with an eye towards having this template complete(ish) by the time we finish our work, but it doesn't need to be done upfront. Work in the manner that suits you, and we will conform our work to the desired out-put down the road.


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