[gnso-rds-pdp-wg] Attendance and MP3 RDS WG - Tuesday 09 February 2016 at 16:00UTC

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Tue Feb 9 22:13:27 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance of the call attached to this email and the mp3 will be sent once it is available for the Next-Gen RDS PDP Working group call held on Tuesday 09 February 2016 at 16:00 UTC.

The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the GNSO Master Calendar page:


** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rds-pdp-wg/

Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/rjJ-Ag

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Terri Agnew


Adobe Connect chat transcript for Tuesday 09 February 2016

    Terri Agnew:Dear all, welcome to the GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group call on the 9th of February 2016

  Terri Agnew:If you do wish to speak during the call, please either dial into the audio bridge and give the operator the password RDS, OR click on the telephone icon at the top of the AC room to activate your AC mics. Please remember to mute your phone and mics when not talking.

  Tapani Tarvainen:Joining early to test audio...

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Hey all

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Apologies for missing last week, busy busy timeslot for me

  Andrew Sullivan:My apologies, but I'll probably have to step out some time after 08:30 US Pacific Time

  James Gannon [NCUC]:I will need to leave around 16:50UTC

  Susan Kawaguchi:Good morning everyone

  Iliya Bazlyankov:Good afternoon everyone

  Chris Hagstrom:Greetings

  Chris Pelling:afternoon all

  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Hello all.

  Ayden Férdeline:Hello everyone

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Hey Ayden good to see you here!

  Chris Pelling:so, how is the SOI's going guys ?

  Richard Padilla:Good evening and morning to one and all

 Ayden Férdeline:Thanks James!

  Aarti Bhavana:Hi All

  Amr Elsadr:Hi all. Waiting for a dial-out.

  Greg Mounier:Hello

  wseltzer:wseltzer is Wendy Seltzer, hi all

  David Cake:Hi Wendy

  Stephanie Perrin:Hi Wendy!

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Its ironic the amount of ICANN calls that we have internet connectivity issues on =)


  Alex Deacon:good morning/afternoon/evening all....

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Hey Alex

  Alex Deacon:hi james

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Who is 'T' in the Adobe room?

  Lisa Phifer:homas Keller t

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks for asking James. :)

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Thanks Lisa

  Andrew Sullivan:It's interesting in this poll that mostly nothing is very important :)

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Lisa.

  wseltzer:or that such polls are a poor way to gather data

  Farell FOLLY (@__f_f__):Hello All, Hello staff.. Sorry for being late.. Connectivity issues

  wseltzer:or data != insight

  Michele Neylon:bearing in mind that here in Ireland we're in the middle of a general election campaign :)

  Richard Padilla:Agreed @James Gannon

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Agreed yes Amr

  Terri Agnew:@Karnika, I sent you a private chat to help with getting audio

  Michele Neylon:I agree with Amr

  Greg Mounier:Given the workload and commitment required, could we not include all candidates in the leadership team. We need all persons with goodwill.

  Michele Neylon:his volume is very low

  Stephanie Perrin:please speak up

  Amr Elsadr:@Jim: If you could speak closer to the mic, please, that'd be great.

  Benny / Nordreg AB:cant hear


  karnika Seth:I think we can give members a chance to give their views. since only few members responded to the poll

  Ayden Férdeline:I think that four is a good number for the leadership team. However I was not aware that in endorsing candidates we were casting a binding vote for them to serve on the leadership team.

  Ayden Férdeline:That being said I have no objections to the top 4 candidates serving in the leadership team.

  Amr Elsadr:That's a fair point Jim. How would you suggest we proceed.

  Amr Elsadr:Well..., I suggested we use the email list just so that no decision is made in the absence of WG members who are not now on the call. :)

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):I'm fine with proceeding with the "results" of this poll.  I'm also fine with conducting another poll that is expressly indicated as binding.  I'm interested in the opinions of others.

  Alex Deacon:One option would be to vote Chuck in as chair by acclamation and then let him decide the make up and the # of co-chairs - using the poll as a guide?

  James Gannon [NCUC]:I would also support that Alex

  Stephanie Perrin:Ditto

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Jim. Proceeding with this result was a suggestion. Happy to hear others.

  Richard Padilla:I would also support such Alex

  Amr Elsadr:@Alex: Also +1.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@Alex +1

  wseltzer:+1 to Alex

  Ayden Férdeline:+1 Alex

  Michael Haffely:I endorse Alex's idea.

  steve metalitz:It's fair to suggest that there is a consensus that Chuck should be in the leadership of this WG.

  matthew shears:agree Steve

  Holly Raiche:@ Alex - +1

  Amr Elsadr:I don't think Chuck should decide the makeup of the leadership team, just that he can lead the process to resolve this.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@amr +1

  Amr Elsadr:And get on with the rest of the work.

  matthew shears:and + 1 to Alex suggestion

  Richard Padilla:@Amr +1

  Dick Leaning:I think its best if we sort this out today - this is the third call now and we are still no further forward. Let Chuck lead

  Aarti Bhavana:+1 Amr

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Yes the idea i thought was allow chuck to take the reins on the procress to compose the rest of the team

  Chris Dillon:Also @Alex +1

  David Cake:I'm certainly OK with Chuck leading, seems clear consensus on that.

  wseltzer:-1 to reopening the poll

  Stephanie Perrin:-1 to reopening.  we have to get on with this....

  Tapani Tarvainen:+1 for Chuck

  Iliya Bazlyankov:+1 for Chuck, -1 for reopening the poll

  matthew shears:agree with Wendy and Stephanie

  Michael Haffely:Re-opening the poll doesn't seem productive

  Rod Rasmussen:Michele - you're voice is booming on the call - heck of a microphone you have!

  Amr Elsadr:@Michele: +1 :)

  Michele Neylon:Rod - is that a problem?

  Stephanie Perrin:+1 Michele

  Rod Rasmussen:No more than usual :-)

  Dick Leaning:heck of a voice

  Michele Neylon:Rod - my office is sound proofed

  Michele Neylon:so I probably have better acoustics than most :)

  karnika Seth:I agree that Chuck should certainly be on the leadership team!

  James Gannon [NCUC]:IS there any objection to Chuck her and then allow him to move forward on the list

  Stephanie Perrin:Really, I dont think the email thread is going to add much.

  Holly Raiche:Let's move forward with Chuck

  steve metalitz:Move forward with Chuck.

  matthew shears:agree

  Chris Pelling:lets get this rolling, get Chuck in place and get the team selected

  Aarti Bhavana:I think it should be open to the email thread for a day, so anyone who objects but isn't on the call gets the opportunity

  Ayden Férdeline:+1 to Susan's suggestion that we move forward with Chuck as chair

  Alexander Schwertner:Agree to moving forward with Chuck

  Andrew Sullivan:I don't think we're electing a dictator.  Surely we're appointing someone to do administrative scutwork, and if we have a willing victim in Chuck we should give him the lucky winner trophy and move on

  Richard Padilla:Move forward with Chuck no need to rehash by running through the email group

  James Gannon [NCUC]:+Andrew

  Luc Seufer:agreed with Andrew

  matthew shears:+ 1 Andrew lol

  David Cake:+1 to Michele

  Farell FOLLY (@__f_f__):good to hear you choice

  Farell FOLLY (@__f_f__):** voice

  Farell FOLLY (@__f_f__):+1

  James Gannon [NCUC]:I would hope so

  Chris Dillon:+1 Chuck (too few on the call without a short extension)

  steve metalitz:Let's put Chuck in chair now and ask him to come back with leadership team proposal for ratification on next call?

  James Gannon [NCUC]:+1 Steve

  Holly Raiche:Agree with Chuck

  Chris Pelling:sound bridge ok for anyuone else ?

  Chris Pelling:anyone *

  Amr Elsadr:@Chris: Working fine on my end.

  Chris Pelling:Chuck just stopped talking mid sentence

  David Cake:Chair vs co-chair, vice-chair was in candidate statements though

  Chris Hagstrom:@ Chris- Certain speakers

  karnika Seth 2:i could not hear for a while

  Kiran Malancharuvil:So sorry to be late.

  karnika Seth 2:+1 to 24 hr extension

  Terri Agnew:as a reminder, please remember to mute when not speaking

  Patrick Anglin:Good day all.  Sorry to be late. Had some connection issues

  Michele Neylon:138 + 96?

  Michele Neylon:or 138 including 96?

  Amr Elsadr:I believe she said +.

  Michele Neylon:holy... ..

  Amr Elsadr:This is the biggest PDP WG I've been on so far. :)

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):What is the date of these statistics?  There is at least one discrepancy: there are no members currently listed as representing SSAC while your chart shows 2.

  James Gannon [NCUC]:I was about to ask the same Q Jim, and SSAC representation would be one area I;d like to see

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@James - Speaking as Vice Chair of SSAC, SSAC would not ordinarily join a PDP working group.  A "formal" request could be made and the question would then be considered.

  Michele Neylon:I think it's the affiliation

  Michele Neylon:not formal representation

  Lisa Phifer:Reflects SOI stated affiliation not representation

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Has there ever been a 'liason' from SSAC or similar for PDPs that have potential heavy impact like this one?

  Alan Greenberg:Ir is relatively rare that PDP WGs have formal representatives although members often take on that task for particular issues.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@Michele - this is a point of confusion.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@James - no

  James Gannon [NCUC]:ok thanks for the education =)

  Mary Wong:Please note that WG members participate as individuals in a WG. While the SOIs provide background information as to a person's affiliation with a particular group or interest, by "representation"this means more that diverse viewpoints, contexts and expertise are present in a WG rather than that a member is representing that SO/AC/SG/C.

  Alan Greenberg:Nothing precludes an org naming a formal rep.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):There are at least 3 members of SSAC on this WG.  Just not a formal representative.

  Mary Wong:E.g. GAC and SSAC do not generally have "official" repreentatives in GNSO WGs due to their internal rules and structures. Howeve, GAC and SSAC members are welcome to (and often) participate in GNSO WGs and are able to provide particular iformation due to their background and experience.

  David Cake:I'm certainly keen to have SSAC involved, but not sure what a formal representative would mean.

  Holly Raiche:@ James - the same can be said for ALAC - he WG membesrs aare affiliated with he ALAC, but not there as official reps

  Richard Padilla:+1 chuck

  Holly Raiche:!@ Chuck - +1

  Chris Dillon:+1 Chuck

  karnika Seth:+1 for chuck's idea!

  Ankur Raheja:Chuck +1

  Susan Prosser:+1 @Chuck

  Iliya Bazlyankov:+1 Chuck

  David Cake:Note we can also formally ask SSAC for input on specific questions.

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):+1 to chuck

  Alan Greenberg:As I have said, I cannot recall the ALAC (or other groups) naming formal res to a GNSO PDP. Other than the Council Liaison

  Stephanie Perrin:Some expertise may be hard to get.  Data protection commissioners, for instance, may be conflicted in assigning a person to a team such as this that sets policy on which they have have to take decisions.

  Terri Agnew:RDS Beginner Tutorial:https://community.icann.org/x/_gGAAw

  Andrew Sullivan:I'm afraid I have to drop now.  Bye all

  Terri Agnew:goodbye Andrew

  Richard Padilla:Later Andrew

  Jim Galvin (Afilias):@David - right.  Formal representation is atypical, as @Mary noted.  However, we can always ask questions as we go forward, with just an email to Patrik (Chair).

  Richard Padilla:Thought tutorial was very good and helpful, still have a lot to digest but have a better understanding

  Mary Wong:Follow up to @Daid and @Jim - the GNSO rules mandates that a WG reac out at an early stage to other SO/ACs for input as well. I believe this is being discused now :)

  karnika Seth:tutorial was quite useful indeed!

  Peter Kimpian:Thanks for the tutorial, it was very informative

  James Gannon [NCUC]:Gotta run to another call everyone, speak soon

  Richard Padilla:Bye James

  Terri Agnew:goodbye James

  wseltzer:sorry, I need to drop (standing conflict)

  Dick Leaning:i need to go too - looking forard to working iwth chuck - cheers everyone

  Terri Agnew:goodbye Dick

  Chris Dillon:I also have a standing conflict and need to drop.

  Richard Padilla:Bye Dick

  steve metalitz:+1 Chuck re likely need for multiple requests to SO/ACs each targeting specific subset of issues

  Stephanie Perrin:Can we please get the latest responses to the data protection authorities, in response to their several letters to ICANN regarding the 2013 RAA, data retention, and the ppsai?  This is a formal request.  Thanks

  Susan Kawaguchi:yes Stephanie we can ask Staff to coordinate that if we they haven't already

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Agree that reaching out to SOs/ACs is paramount and should happen quickly.  Sorry to hear about the Registrars, but the rest of us need the time to socialize it.

  Holly Raiche:@ staff: Will this mind map be on the website so0 we can have a better and longer look

  Lisa Phifer:@Stephanie is that re: request for early input?

  Michele Neylon:@Kiran - we are already dealing with multiple whois related things - adding to that pile won't go down well

  karnika Seth:please mail this mindmap to us!

  Peter Kimpian:@ Stephanie: You are right, this is why Council of Europe wanted to take part in the policy making process to have voice 46 DPAs heard at least from Europe

  Stephanie Perrin:No Lisa, just trying to verify if ICANN ever responded to those letters, and if so how?  I would of course like to see the board deliberations if any, but am not making a DIDP at this point....

  Chuck Gomes (RySG):The mind map will be emailed and posted on the wiki.

  Lisa Phifer:@karnika, will do after call, just introducing what it is that you'll be receiving

  Lisa Phifer:@Stephanie could you look at Article 29 links on this WG's wiki and let us know if we have missed something we should go look for?

  David Cake:I think it looks very helpful, thank you staff.

  karnika Seth:excellent mind map- very concise!

  Ankur Raheja:+1 for mind map

  Ayden Férdeline:Could you please convert all the URLs to hyperlinks before you email the mindmap out to us? Thank you

  Richard Padilla:Happy either way whether mind map or same diagram we are looking at now

  Chuck Gomes (RySG):Agree - leadership team will use mind map to start  developing ideas for a work plan.

  Stephanie Perrin:Thanks Peter, yes this is a persistent problem.

  Holly Raiche:Fine by me

  Amr Elsadr:@Lisa: From what I can tell, there is a staff memo on the WG wiki that addresses data protection considerations associated with a centralised RDS database, but I don't see the actual letters from Article 29, or any responses by the board (if any are available). I believe the last was what Stephanie was requesting.

  karnika Seth:I will be there on call !

  Ankur Raheja:Bye all

  Stephanie Perrin:Yes Amr, that is it.

  Lisa Phifer:@I will verify but all the Article 29 letters in both directions are on the Additional Key Inputs page of the wiki. Or did you want something different than that?

  Greg Mounier:bye everyone

  Chris Pelling:I have to dash, thanks all :)

  Kiran Malancharuvil:Thanks Susan, thanks all!

  Richard Padilla:Bye all

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks Lisa. That's right.

  Jeffrey Eckhaus:thanks

  Ayden Férdeline:Thank you for chairing this today, Susan

  Amr Elsadr:Thanks all. Bye. Thanks to Susan for bringing us this far.

  David Cake:Thank you for chairing, Susan

  Susan Prosser:thanks all.

  Liz Williams:@ chuck -- just let us know when you're ready.

  Stephanie Perrin:Yes thanks Susan, great job!!

  karnika Seth:there is a problem with audio in conference

  Susan Kawaguchi:thank you!

  Lisa Phifer:@Amr @Stephanie see https://community.icann.org/display/gTLDRDS/Additional+Key+Inputs

  Lisa Phifer:Section on Aricle 29

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