[Gnso-rpm-tmch] Mp3, Attendance & AC Chat for Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub Team Call on Friday, 02 December 2016

Michelle DeSmyter michelle.desmyter at icann.org
Fri Dec 2 19:49:38 UTC 2016

Dear All,

Please find the attendance, MP3 recording and Adobe Connect chat below for the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) TMCH Sub Team call held on Friday, 02 December 2016 at 16:00 UTC.
MP3: http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-rpm-tmch-02dec16-en.mp3


The recordings and transcriptions of the calls are posted on the Sub Team wiki page:


Kathy Kleiman
Kristine Dorrain
Kurt Pritz
Paul Tattersfield
Phil Corwin
Vaibhav Aggarwal

Susan Payne

ICANN staff:

David Tait

Mary Wong

Michelle DeSmyter

** Please let me know if your name has been left off the list **

Mailing list archives:  http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/gnso-rpm-tmch/

Sub Team Wiki page: https://community.icann.org/x/f5XDAw

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Michelle DeSmyter


Adobe Connect chat transcript for 02 December 2016:

 Michelle DeSmyter:Dear All, Welcome to the Review of All Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) - TMCH Sub Team Meeting on Friday, 02 December 2016 at 16:00 UTC.
  Michelle DeSmyter:Meeting page: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_-5FRm4Aw&d=DgIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=8_WhWIPqsLT6TmF1Zmyci866vcPSFO4VShFqESGe_5iHWGlBLwwwehFBfjrsjWv9&m=hw0v3Sw60Zh_T_sUGCfQn4CM4M3sRYA6nlpUANgVH28&s=B8jXZ-cGwF-3d2sMj4ysZ8gpXJ2IkQWss7wzje9muKY&e=
  David Tait:Hello all
  David Tait:I'm still trying to get in on the audio bridge
  Kathy:me too
  Michelle DeSmyter:I will let the operator know to watch for your lines
  Michelle DeSmyter:dialing in
  Kathy:I'm in
  Kristine Dorrain:I'm on the mobile app. tell me if you hear background noise.
  Kurt Pritz:I agree with using the Tabulated Version - I just bring up the Word version on my laptop so I can see it more easily. @Kristine, the Mobile app works great but the smaller scree makes it tough to follow printed matters
  Kathy:Tx Kurt. I have it up on my laptop in Word too.
  David Tait:The document is just coming up now
  Phil Corwin:Good day all. Regrets for the slightly late arrival.
  Kristine Dorrain:I can't
  Paul Tattersfield:just says upload in progress here
  Kristine Dorrain:I see it
  Paul Tattersfield:Could we extend the question to include marks protected by statute or treaty?
  Kathy:How accessible is the TMCH database and RPM Rights Protection Actions and Defenses to individuals, orgs, trademar owners and tm agents in developing countries?
  Phil Corwin:Agree with Kurt and Kathy on #13
  Paul Tattersfield:Sorry I'm not on the call will type it into the chat
  Kristine Dorrain:I support Kathys wording above.
  Phil Corwin:And 14 as well, as it is related/combining might be advisable
  Kurt Pritz:@ Paul: I think marks protected by statute and treaty would already be included. Should we take off the word ""private" ?
  Paul Tattersfield:Governments and IGOs may not have trademarks but still have protections and the dicussions should cover these cases
  Phil Corwin:Suggested wording sounds ok to me
  Kristine Dorrain:thanks David.
  Kristine Dorrain:I support the restatement
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:+ 1 KK
  Kathy:can hear you
  Kathy:What concerns are being raised about the TMCH being closed, and should the TMCH Database remain closed or become open?
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Open
  Paul Tattersfield:It would be useful to include a discussion on the uses the public data can be put to - eg. bulk data
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:+1 Kathy
  Kathy: What concerns are being raised about the TMCH being closed, what are the reasons for having/keeping the TMCH Database private, and should the TMCH Database remain closed or become open?
  Kristine Dorrain:+1 Kathy
  Paul Tattersfield:LIke Kathy's question
  Kristine Dorrain:I can see them now, so no need to read it out unless someone else requires it.
  Kristine Dorrain:so to restate Vaibhav's point in a neutral manner: what community issues exist that could be resolved by permitting additional TMCH interfaces.
  Kristine Dorrain:^ needs work but trying to capture the point?
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Thanx Kristine - May be add "What & Which & How" in the rephrasing and give it a direction for us to dive in
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:right
  Kathy:What are the concerns re: theTMCH Dababase remaining with a single provider?
  Phil Corwin:We should aim for neutral questions that are as brief as possible and that invite a full range of potential resposes.
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:The Idea is to facilitate MORE domain name registration for Digital Penetration rather than making it a costly affair as it becomes a Entry barrier for a lot many
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Make it available to all
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Could be monitored
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Automate it
  Kathy:What are the concerns re: theTMCH Dababase remaining with a single provider and how might those concerns be addressed?
  Kristine Dorrain:I think I like that Phil! can we see it written out? maybe from the transcript
  Kristine Dorrain:I propose we start with what Phil just said
  David Tait:Thanks Kristine
  Phil Corwin:Does the present structuring of the TMCH optimize such operationsl considerations as cost, reliablity, global reach, and service diversity and consistency, or should significant changes such as multiple providers be considered?
  Kurt Pritz:I would also like to see Phil's question in writing. It sounds like a clear approach
  Phil Corwin:That's my proposed wording.
  Kathy:@Phil: I am afraid we could spend years answering your quesstion
  Kurt Pritz:To keep the question neutral - I'd like to see multiple providers out or additional changes included
  Phil Corwin:No more time than any other iteration that raises the same issues ;-)
  Kristine Dorrain:agree Kurt
  Phil Corwin:should be "operational"
  Kristine Dorrain:I strongly oppose listing out our suggested solutions. we want the group to identify problems and solutions. we will assuredly miss something.
  Kristine Dorrain:yes, concerns first, invite brainstorming, don't list solutions (like regional offices)
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:right
  Kathy:What are the concerns with the TMCH Database being provided by a single Provider - and how might those concerns be addressed?
  Kristine Dorrain:+1 Kathy
  Kathy:Accessibility is now the merged Qusetion 13/14. Perhaps we can put them together
  Kathy:Not merged, but closer together in the list.
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:YEs as tey would become a large part
  Paul Tattersfield:@Kurt re: quickly jumping back to question Q13 Yes removing the word private would be a good improvement.
  Kristine Dorrain:I don't think we need it again either. adding it here again presupposes accessibility is a problem (it maybe is, but let's not assume that)
  Kathy:what's the edit?
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2::-O
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2::-)
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:13-14 are Accesibility in terms of Security & 16 would be from a reach perspective
  Kristine Dorrain:Kurt, can you support Kathys more general version? I think I can
  Kristine Dorrain:looks like there are just formatting changes in rewrite 2
  Kurt Pritz:@ Kristine: I think Phil's question is the best with the edit you and I agreed to: Does the present structuring of the TMCH optimize such operationsl considerations as cost, reliablity, global reach, and service diversity and consistency, or should significant changes be considered?
  Kathy:Ed Morris wrote to me privately about concerns that are the same as Phil's
  Kristine Dorrain:agree that we don't presuppose the goal of the TMCh
  Kristine Dorrain:simplicity was a key driver
  Phil Corwin:Just noting that I have to drop off in 3 minutes
  Paul Tattersfield:Agree with Phil
  Kathy:Have the benefits outweighed the costs for ICANN and the Community?
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Does that mean that we are getting closer to doing a Economic Analysis of TMCH ?
  Kristine Dorrain:can we leave the original?
  Kristine Dorrain:seems fairly clear and neutral?
  Paul Tattersfield:Would "Are the costs and benefits of the TMCH, for rights holders, for ICANN, for the community, proportionate?" be slightly more neutral?
  Kathy:I like it
  Kristine Dorrain:seems good
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Can V add Community / Individuals
  Phil Corwin:Paul's language seems good
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:There are three stake holders
  Phil Corwin:Must depart. Bye all
  Kristine Dorrain:thanks Kathy
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Thnks
  Kathy:Tx All!
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:Have a great rest of your days
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:I just finished my Pizza
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:& now coke
  Kristine Dorrain:thanks all
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:;-)
  Paul Tattersfield:thanks all bye
  Vaibhav Aggarwal 2:ciao

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