[Gnso-rpm-tmch] Updated/amended list of questions to Registries, Registrars and the TMCH Providers

Mary Wong mary.wong at icann.org
Tue Oct 18 02:36:21 UTC 2016

Dear all,

Staff has updated the above-mentioned list of questions based on the Sub Team call of Friday 14 October. We will be very grateful if you can let us know of any inaccuracies or omissions as soon as possible. As agreed by the Sub Team, staff will send the list of proposed questions to the registrars to Greg Rafert of the Analysis Group, for feedback on any overlaps and similarities with what the Analysis Group is seeking data for (as well as enquire as to whether and when we might hope to see the Analysis Group’s findings on the new registrar data). For the registries and provider questions, we will aim to send those out before the week is out, unless anyone has any further corrections.

Finally, please note that we are aiming to have a draft report from this Sub Team out to you for your review within the next day or two.

Thanks and cheers

Mary Wong
Senior Policy Director
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
Email: mary.wong at icann.org
Telephone: +1-603-5744889

From: David Tait <david.tait at icann.org>
Date: Friday, October 14, 2016 at 12:38
To: "gnso-rpm-tmch at icann.org" <gnso-rpm-tmch at icann.org>
Cc: Mary Wong <mary.wong at icann.org>
Subject: Notes and Actions from RPMs TMCH sub-team call 14 Oct 2016

Dear All

Please find below the notes and actions from today’s RPMs TMCH sub-team call.

1.      The meeting began with a review of the questions being sent by the Analysis group to the TMCH providers.

An additional question suggested:

What is the "base-line" abandonment rate?

2.      A review of the feedback from received from Registrars to the sub-team’s questions took place. The following amendments were suggested:

Q1 stop at "displayed".
Q2 - 4 remove term "cart" and revise to "what is the rate of attempted registration abandonment"
Q Re: TM+50, add general question at the end and remove specific question

The following actions we agreed:

·         Staff to share questions with Analysis Group

·         Staff to review transcript for proposed revisions to questions to registrars.

·         Consider geting TMCH data on their clients registering in new gTLDs (to factor into possibility that a TM owner may be buying their own name, and getting a claims notice - Susan P to check if TMCH clients buying their own name get a notice at all, or if that depends on which registrar they use)

·         Add question for Providers re: Compare reg TMCH entries vs. the TMCH +50 designations

·         Staff to review registrar questions regarding TM+50 to fold in conclusion of discussions

·         ST to provide further suggestions on sunrise questions. Add 'or if you have no data please [insert SB proposed redraft]

Kind regards,

David A. Tait
Policy Specialist (Solicitor qualified in Scotland)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Mobile: + 44-7864-793776
Email:  david.tait at icann.org
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