[Npoc-discuss] Statement of Interest- Vice Chair Glenn McKnight

Glenn McKnight mcknight.glenn at gmail.com
Mon May 8 17:04:07 UTC 2023

*Step 3: Statement of Interest (SOI)*
All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they
believe they are a suitable candidate and also must complete or update
their Statement of Interest.

I am pleased to offer my statement for the position of Vice Chair.  In a
nutshell my practical experience as a Secretariat and Chair within the
NARALO ecosystem provides me with substantial practical experience and
awareness of this significant role in working collaboratively with the
chair and the membership so that NPOC can achieve its mission and goals as
a leading voice of the Non Profit community within and outside of ICANN.

I have substantial non profit and business organizational skills that are
essential to be successful  and I believe that as a small but determined
group we can make a substantial difference at ICANN.

Here is my SOI


Glenn McKnight, MA
Virtual School of Internet Governance
Chief Information Officer
*Mobile  437-237-4655*

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