[RDS-WHOIS2-RT-Leadership_Staff] Interview

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Oct 22 15:21:58 UTC 2018

Possible answers.

At 21/10/2018 05:40 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
Thanks. See below.

At 21/10/2018 03:16 AM, Jean-Baptiste Deroulez wrote:
Hi Alan,

Thank you for your email. We had included suggested questions in the invitation, see below:

We’re planning on asking the following suggested questions (below). We’ve also included a suggested max time in which to answer each question. These are merely suggestions in an effort to keep the video under 3 minutes as people tend not to watch videos over this length. Having said that, ultimately the video will be as long as you need to address the following questions:

·                    What is the overall focus of the RDS-WHOIS2 Review? (For those who are not intimately familiar with the RDS-WHOIS2 Review)- (10 sec).

Review implementation of first WHOIS-RT Recommendations is the first mandatory requirement. In addition, among the other areas we are looking at are a review of the relationship between RDS/WHOIS and Law Enforcement activities; and a new review of a number of aspects of Contractual Compliance

·                    In which stage/process is the review right now? - (10 sec).

We have largely finished our analysis and have drafted our recommendations. We are looking forward to the input we receive to further refine out conclusions and recommendations.

·                     What did the review focus on, and what are the key findings? - (60 sec).
                         What are the key Review findings?

I would drop the first half. It is redundant with the 1stt question and will allow more time for the answer to the 2nd part.

During our review of the last RT's recommendations, we have concluded that just half of them have been fully implemented and for the other half, there are significant areas where the implementations were somewhat lacking. Our survey of law enforcement use of RDS/WHOIS has provided information that was to our knowledge previously unexplored. In regard to Compliance, we found that ICANN's Contractual Compliance has very significantly improved over the last years, but we believe that there is still lots of room for improvement.

·                     What are the key draft recommendations that result from the RDS-WHOIS2 Review? – (90 sec).

Can you give us some examples of the key draft recommendations that result from this review. Or perhaps can you give us a few examples of the recommendation in your draft review.


Treat RDS/WHOIS as a strategic priority. REALLY.

Contractual Compliance needs to use more agile techniques to addressing patters of abuse instead of just focusing on specific complaints.

As available RDS/WHOIS data evolves in light of privacy legislatio,n ICANN's WHOIS portal must be kept up to date to ensure the the maximum lawfully available data is available through this portal.

Surveys should be done on a regular basis to understand the relationship between RDS/WHOIS and its uses in law enforcement and cybersecurity.

RDS/WHOIS data accuracy must be a specific focus, particularly in light of the redactions due to privacy legislation.

One of Susan or I can handle 1, the other 2 and 3 and then back to the first person for 4.

Cathrin and Susan, comments on the questions and Susan, comments on speaker order.

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