[Register-URI] Adding a NAPTR record to the uri.arpa domain

ENRICO FRANCESCONI enrico.francesconi at cnr.it
Sat Jan 6 10:05:49 UTC 2024

Hi Peter,
   thanks for your feedback and for notifying us that "lex" namespace is already in the "urn.arpa" domain.

As for the "uri.arpa" domain, actually it was a mistake of mine: my request would have been for the "urn.uri.arpa" domain, as requested by Amanda Baber (IANA Operations Manager) (see below).

This need is also reported in the "lex" draft at Section 12

If I well understood, the update of the NAPTR records is to be reflected in the draft at Section 12 too (according to Eliot's request). If this is the case, we will update the draft accordingly and upload a new version soon.


Enrico Francesconi
Research Director
IGSG - CNR    [ex ITTIG - CNR]
Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems
National Research Council of Italy
Via de' Barucci 20
50127 Florence
email: enrico.francesconi at cnr.it

From: Amanda Baber via RT <drafts-eval at iana.org>
Sent: 02 January 2024 20:04
Cc: caterina.lupo at gmail.com <caterina.lupo at gmail.com>; ENRICO FRANCESCONI <enrico.francesconi at cnr.it>; rfc-ise at rfc-editor.org <rfc-ise at rfc-editor.org>; barryleiba at gmail.com <barryleiba at gmail.com>; pierluigi.spinosa at gmail.com <pierluigi.spinosa at gmail.com>; iesg at ietf.org <iesg at ietf.org>
Subject: [IANA #1298511] Conflict Review requested for draft-spinosa-urn-lex



IANA will need the authors to take action before we can complete the registrations for draft-spinosa-urn-lex-21. It should also be noted that the public mailing lists meant to review those registrations may not have many active members.

We understand that this document will require three IANA actions: 1) updating the reference for the existing "lex" registration at https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces, 2) adding a NAPTR record to the urn.arpa domain, and 3) adding a NAPTR record to the urn.uri.arpa domain.

However, according to RFC 3405, in order to add records to urn.arpa and uri.arpa, the authors must submit their requests to these mailing lists for a two-week public review:


Because those lists (which haven't seen much activity post-2011) currently have ~20 members each, we've sent informal review requests to Leslie Daigle and Ted Hardie. We haven't heard from Leslie yet, but Ted had these notes:

> My quick scan of this sees a few potential issues with things listed
> as SHOULD which I believe would be better as MUST; I was also a little
> confused by this:
> "Such DNS routing chain does not work for all the URN components
> containing %-encoded characters. Therefore, when converting a lex:URN
> in UTF-8 code to a DNS query, clients MUST perform any necessary
> punycode conversion [RFC5891] before sending the query."

There are no designated experts for urn.arpa or uri.arpa, so unless the IESG instructs us otherwise, we'll mark this document "IANA OK" two weeks after the authors submit their review requests, provided that the lists don't raise any of the objections described in Section 5 of RFC 3405.

Best regards,

Amanda Baber
IANA Operations Manager


From: Peter Saint-Andre <stpeter at stpeter.im>
Sent: 06 January 2024 01:30
To: ENRICO FRANCESCONI <enrico.francesconi at cnr.it>; register-uri at uri.arpa <register-uri at uri.arpa>
Cc: drafts-eval at iana.org <drafts-eval at iana.org>; caterina.lupo at gmail.com <caterina.lupo at gmail.com>; rfc-ise at rfc-editor.org <rfc-ise at rfc-editor.org>; barryleiba at gmail.com <barryleiba at gmail.com>; pierluigi.spinosa at gmail.com <pierluigi.spinosa at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Register-URI] Adding a NAPTR record to the uri.arpa domain

On 1/5/24 2:09 PM, ENRICO FRANCESCONI via Register-uri wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
>     we are writing to take the following action before completing the
> registration for draft-spinosa-urn-lex-21
> (https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/
> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-spinosa-urn-lex/>).
> According to RFC 3405, we kindly ask you to add a NAPTR record related
> to the "lex" namespace to the uri.arpa domain.

Ciao Enrico,

I'm not an expert on the process for adding NAPTR records to the
uri.arpa domain, but if I recall correctly (and based on a quick
re-reading of RFC 3405), this domain is reserved for URI schemes.
However, there is no `lex` URI scheme, so I don't immediately see how we
could add `lex` to uri.arpa.

On the other hand, your request to register a NAPTR record in the
urn.arpa domain seems perfectly legitimate, since we've already added
`lex` as a formal namespace ID in the URN namespaces registry. [1]


[1] https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml
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