[UA-discuss] Election update...

Lars Steffen lars.steffen at eco.de
Fri Feb 24 09:36:34 UTC 2017

Dear all,

Congratulations to all nominees. Regarding the proposal to appoint all nominees as Vice-Chairs: I relate to the idea and the intentions behind the proposal, however I cannot support it.

The UASG drafted its own Charter. The UASG Elections are executed under the rules of the Charter and the Charter allows one Chair and two to three Vice-Chairs. According to the Charter, the Steering Group, Chair and Vice-Chairs are also given the task to „maintain the Charter“.

I am working for the Internet Association eco, which is involved in a leading role at the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. Through this I am committed to ask for transparency, accountability and sticking to the rules and regulations we have given ourselves. Every deviation would erode the value of our Charter and our own personal credibility in the community.

Against this background I ask to proceed the election process as Don announced on 23 February 2017 with an election of up to three Vice-Chairs from  the group of candidates who accepted their nomination.

Thank you,

Von: ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org [mailto:ua-discuss-bounces at icann.org] Im Auftrag von Ram Mohan
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. Februar 2017 20:04
An: Don Hollander <don.hollander at icann.org>; ua-discuss <UA-discuss at icann.org>
Betreff: Re: [UA-discuss] Election update...

Dear UA-Folks:
First off, thank you for re-nominating me to the Chair of this community initiative! I’m pleased and honored to serve this second and last term.

Second, I’m so impressed at the enthusiasm and the energy from community members for the Vice Chair position. Six people want to volunteer their time and energy to build momentum for the UA initiative – that’s phenomenal!

May I suggest that we accept all six volunteers to the position, and do away with a vote? I know that I could use the help, and I also know that corralling the energies of these six individuals, all of whom who have already participated and made material contributions to the UA initiative, will be a worthwhile enterprise.

If you agree with my proposal (or have a different point of view), please post back to the list. If we can hear some consensus on my proposed approach, then we’ll take the administrative steps to having 6 vice-chairs ratified.

Ram Mohan
o: +1.215.706.5700 x103; m: +1.215.431.0958; f: +1.215.706.5701
Skype:gliderpilot30 |@rmohan123|www.linkedin.com/in/rmohan<http://www.linkedin.com/in/rmohan>

From: Don Hollander [mailto:don.hollander at icann.org<mailto:don.hollander at icann.org>]
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 1:45 PM
To: ua-discuss <UA-discuss at icann.org<mailto:UA-discuss at icann.org>>
Subject: [UA-discuss] Election update...

A quick update on the election process:

There was one accepted nomination for Chair:  Ram Mohan.  So, Ram continues in the role for another two years.   Congratulations.

There were six accepted nominations for the three positions of Vice-Chair:

Vice-Chair - Edmon Chung
Vice-Chair - Ajay Data
Vice-Chair - Christian Dawson
Vice-Chair - Jothan Frakes
Vice-Chair - Rich Merdinger
Vice-Chair - Mark Svancarek

I am currently gathering materials from the candidates.  Should be done in the next day.

Then, I’ll send a link to voting to all subscribers of this UA discuss list (as of the beginning of this week)

Voting will be available for a week and then we should have a decision.


Don Hollander
Universal Acceptance Steering Group
Skype: don_hollander

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