[Party1] Accountability Mechanism Template WP-1-F | Community Veto Proposal

Robin Gross robin at ipjustice.org
Wed Mar 11 21:15:26 UTC 2015

Attached please find the template completed for the proposal regarding a "community veto process".  

Improvements, clarifications, suggestions, etc. are most welcome.


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Name: Accountability Mechanism Template WP1-F - Community Veto_v2.pdf
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URL: <http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp1/attachments/20150311/5e745dc4/AccountabilityMechanismTemplateWP1-F-CommunityVeto_v2-0001.pdf>
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Name: Accountability Mechanism Template WP1-F - Community Veto_v2.docx
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URL: <http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/wp1/attachments/20150311/5e745dc4/AccountabilityMechanismTemplateWP1-F-CommunityVeto_v2-0001.docx>
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