[Ccnso-travelfunding] Form submission from: ICANN63 | Application for ccNSO Travel Funding

Country Code Names Supporting Organisation webmaster at icann.org
Wed Jun 27 14:53:57 UTC 2018

Data Processing Acknowledgement : Wednesday, June 27, 2018 - 10:53 EST

Submitted values are:

First Name + Last Name: elly kadenyo
Affiliation: ccTLD - KE (KENIC)
Email: snrsysadmin at kenic.or.ke
Please specify how you intend to contribute to the work of the ccNSO at the
next ICANN meeting: I want to contribute to the TLD-OPS workshop on Business
Continuity Planning scheduled to take place during the ICANN meeting in
Barcelona. ccTLDs need a BCP guideline on how to plan for, mitigate, recover
from and document disasters that cause business interruption. KE ccTLD has an
interest in this and as its technical head I'll need to participate.
Additional relevant information: I am the head of Technical at KENIC, the KE
ccTLD manager. In the world of persistent threats, collaboration and alert is
the best way of ensuring continuous stability of all infrastructures - DNS
included. This is why I appeal for funding to enable me meet community
members and deliberate on best way forward when it comes to crucial technical
I have read the ccNSO Travel Funding Guidelines [1] and understand the
process and conditions: Yes
Number of times ccNSO funding received the last 3 public ICANN meetings: 1
Do you have your employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding? Yes, I
have my employer's approval to receive ccNSO Travel Funding (OR, I am not
Employment status: Yes, I am employed
    ==Please, provide your employer's contact information==
      Employer's Name: KENIC (Kenya Network Information Centre)
      Employer's Email: ceo at kenic.or.ke

Would you have the possibility to attend the meeting, if you would only
receive one part of the funding (either plane ticket or hotel only)? Yes, I
can accept to be funded only partly

[1] https://ccnso.icann.org/about/travel-funding-07apr16-en.pdf

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