[council] [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

DiBiase, Gregory dibiase at amazon.com
Wed Nov 22 18:23:25 UTC 2023

I'm so sorry to hear that, Bruna.  You are welcome to try to draft something tomorrow, but with the US holiday that gives us the single work day on Monday 27 November to review, provide comments, and try to get consensus support.  I wouldn't want you to spend time drafting something that ultimately couldn't garner support from the Council as a whole.


From: Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2023 9:58 AM
To: DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com>
Cc: COUNCIL at GNSO.ICANN.ORG; Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>; Mark W. Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com>; Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>; gnso-secs at icann.org; mesumbeslin at gmail.com; nacho at amadoz.cat
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

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Hello, Greg,

I’m sorry for not being able to deliver something under the desirable timeframe. Right after sending my previous email I heard the news of a family member passing and couldn’t get myself to finish that.

But in case you’d be willing to consider it still, I could have something based on the comments by tomorrow morning.

Kind regards,

DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>> schrieb am Mi. 22. Nov. 2023 um 18:56:
Hi Bruna,

Noting that the draft still appears to be individual comments, and that the 27 November deadline for input (along with the US holiday beginning this Thursday) is quickly approaching, I’m concerned we don’t have time for everyone to conduct a review of a draft and provide comments.  We really appreciate the work done to date, but I would recommend bringing these concerns to your respective constituencies to ensure any comments can be timely submitted.


From: Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com<mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2023 3:20 PM
To: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org<mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>>
Cc: Mark W. Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com<mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com>>; Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com<mailto:osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>>; DiBiase, Gregory <dibiase at amazon.com<mailto:dibiase at amazon.com>>; gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>; mesumbeslin at gmail.com<mailto:mesumbeslin at gmail.com>; nacho at amadoz.cat<mailto:nacho at amadoz.cat>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

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Hello, all,

I just came back from vacation - the first one I managed to take this year - and will work on something tomorrow to share with you.

Kind regards,

Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org<mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>> schrieb am Di. 21. Nov. 2023 um 00:19:
Hi Bruna, Mark, and Osvaldo,

I’m checking back in, noting the impending deadline of Monday, 27 November – one week from today.

As a reminder, the full Council would need to sign off on this comment in order for it to be submitted by the Council.

Please provide an update as soon as you are able.

Best regards,


From: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org<mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>>
Date: Monday, November 13, 2023 at 9:53 AM
To: "Mark W. Datysgeld" <mark at governanceprimer.com<mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com>>, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com<mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>>
Cc: Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com<mailto:osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>>, "gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>" <gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>>
Subject: Re: [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

Great team work. 😊

@Bruna – would it be possible to have something to share with the Council by Thursday for the Council meeting? This is an AOB item for the upcoming meeting.

Thank you!

Kind regards,


From: "Mark W. Datysgeld" <mark at governanceprimer.com<mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com>>
Date: Monday, November 13, 2023 at 8:47 AM
To: Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com<mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>>
Cc: Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com<mailto:osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>>, Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org<mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>>, "gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>" <gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>>
Subject: Re: [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

Please go ahead, Bruna.

Mark W. Datysgeld
Director at Governance Primer
ICANN GNSO Councilor
From: Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com<mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>>
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2023 09:30
To: Mark Datysgeld
Cc: Osvaldo Novoa; Caitlin Tubergen; gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>
Subject: Re: [Ext] Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

Dear all,

Thanks for all the comments and for setting up a document. I have just added my thoughts as well since we dont have too many disagreements from whats being highlighted on the timing, lack of action plan and methodology and so on.

Should i work on some sort of a short comment from the three of us ?

kind regards,

On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 11:54 PM Mark Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com<mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com>> wrote:

I think your comments are very timely, Osvaldo. I agree with them.
On 9 Nov 2023 18:40, Osvaldo Novoa wrote:
Thank you Caitlin and Mark.
I share your comments Mark and I have added some of my own regarding the delay of the third GNSO Review, due to start in June 2016, and also the lack of independent examination.  Perhaps my English is not vey good and my text needs some corrections but I think the ideas are clear.
Best regards,

On 9 Nov 2023, at 15:07, Mark Datysgeld <mark at governanceprimer.com><mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com> wrote:

I have made some initial considerations, under their own header for now, so that the other subteam members can evaluate them.

On 8 Nov 2023 20:29, Caitlin Tubergen wrote:
Thank you for the very fast response, Mark!

Here is a Google Doc to get you all started: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rx_iHqL48AL2Wccv8MSinCE1I43TBH2JzW8SKLFy1ys/edit?usp=sharing [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1Rx_iHqL48AL2Wccv8MSinCE1I43TBH2JzW8SKLFy1ys/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfT9z61QxQ$>

Of course, please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Kind regards,


From: "Mark W. Datysgeld" <mark at governanceprimer.com><mailto:mark at governanceprimer.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 5:21 PM
To: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org><mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>, Bruna Martins dos Santos <bruna.mrtns at gmail.com><mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>, Osvaldo Novoa <osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com><mailto:osvaldo.j.novoa at gmail.com>
Cc: "gnso-secs at icann.org"<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org> <gnso-secs at icann.org><mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] Re: Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

We could attempt to get work going on a Google doc and see where that takes us. That might lead into a call depending on whether views align or not.

Mark W. Datysgeld
Director at Governance Primer
ICANN GNSO Councilor
From: Caitlin Tubergen <caitlin.tubergen at icann.org><mailto:caitlin.tubergen at icann.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 20:17
To: Mark Datysgeld; Bruna Martins dos Santos; Osvaldo Novoa
Cc: gnso-secs at icann.org<mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org>
Subject: Potential GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference

Dear Osvaldo, Bruna, and Mark,

It was lovely to see all of you in Hamburg.

I am following up on an action item from the ICANN78 GNSO Council meeting related to the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference.

Action Item: GNSO Council comment on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference: GNSO Councilors to indicate whether they wish to volunteer for a small team to develop a comment.  Volunteers during the meeting: Osvaldo Novoa, Bruna Martins Dos Santos, Mark Datysgeld.”

The three of you volunteered to further consider whether the Council should provide a comment in response to the Board’s request for comments. Osvaldo, in particular, noted the Council may want to consider responding to the second identified issue - lack of independent examination in the Holistic Review.

Question for you: What is your preferred way to work together on this effort? Support Staff can set up a call for you all, or we can assist with providing a Google Doc that you can work together on. If there are other areas we can help, please let us know how we can best assist you.

I have included the relevant background below. Please note the deadline for response is 27 November, so the draft comment (if any) would need to be circulated to the full council well in advance of that date to allow for full review.

Thank you!

Kind regards,



Relevant Background:

The ICANN Board is currently seeking the community's input on the proposed Pilot Holistic Review Revised Draft Terms of Reference<https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/pilot-holistic-review-draft-tor-18sep23-en.pdf>. This is an update to the first version posted for Public Comment in August 2022 and has been modified to reflect community input. The primary focus of the Pilot Holistic Review Draft Terms of Reference (ToR) is to address the four primary issues raised during the first Public Comment proceeding:

  *   The scope of Holistic Review is unclear
  *   There is a lack of independent examination in the Holistic Review
  *   There is a lack of identified dependencies
  *   The community might not have the ability to support the Pilot Holistic Review work

The ToR Development Team also shortened and revised the ToR document to include more direct language and clearer deliverables.

Considering the potential implications on the ICANN structures and work, the Board is seeking input on whether the revised Draft ToR[gnso.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/policy/2023/correspondence/gurnick-to-soac-leadership-cip-ccg-et-al-13oct23-en.pdf__;!!PtGJab4!93mcVB5brAjpOgOwUK0ZV8Zp6ODqsjMHYUngeh5vTVic_cWDww_BcqQfRGCgYJazq254JgomrE8nXecjXpDkinNHU-HdJy0$> seems fit for purpose, and whether it sufficiently addresses the issues identified in the first Public Comment proceeding.

The following questions are designed to aid responders in formulating their views:

  1.  Do you support the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference as drafted?
  2.  Does the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference sufficiently address the four primary issues identified in the first Public Comment proceeding? [The four primary issues include:

     *   The scope of Holistic Review is unclear
     *   There is a lack of independent examination in the Holistic Review
     *   There is a lack of identified dependencies
     *   The community might not have the ability to support the Pilot Holistic Review work

  1.  Does the Pilot Holistic Review Revised Terms of Reference sufficiently clarify the deliverables for the Pilot Holistic Review?
  2.  Do you support the next steps for the Pilot Holistic Review (as noted below)?

For more background information, interested parties are invited to listen to the webinar<https://community.icann.org/display/atrt/Pilot+Holistic+Review+-+Revised+Draft+Terms+of+Reference+Webinar+-+21+August+2023> on this topic.

Deadline for feedback is 27 November 2023.
Mark W. Datysgeld [markwd.website [markwd.website]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/markwd.website/__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTvVpIcSQ$>]
Director at Governance Primer [governanceprimer.com [governanceprimer.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/governanceprimer.com/__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTMkiIntY$>]
ICANN GNSO Councilor

Mark W. Datysgeld [markwd.website [markwd.website]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/markwd.website__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfT3EwcanI$>]
Director at Governance Primer [governanceprimer.com [governanceprimer.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/governanceprimer.com__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTN3uAMVA$>]
ICANN GNSO Councilor

Bruna Martins dos Santos

Global Campaigns Manager | Digital Action [digitalaction.co]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/digitalaction.co__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTS9lckC8$>

German Chancellor Fellow 21' (Bundeskanzler-Stipendiatin) | Alexander von Humboldt Foundation [humboldt-foundation.de]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.humboldt-foundation.de/__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTJKeW2C4$>

Member | Coalizão Direitos na Rede [direitosnarede.org.br]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/direitosnarede.org.br/__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTRezxYZw$>
Co-Coordinator | Internet Governance Caucus  [igcaucus.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/igcaucus.org/__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTEzYhSjc$>
Twitter: @boomartins [twitter.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/twitter.com/boomartins__;!!PtGJab4!70lEuVKRGkRyBkpfvqbD5TAaQpHj_-KVPR0pYxG3LPmd8lowEANVyadLpiyCR5MwBu6DhsMOwdnFcs85HVJNpyfTaFwmUrU$> // Skype: bruna.martinsantos
Email: bruna.mrtns at gmail.com<mailto:bruna.mrtns at gmail.com>
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