[council] Action Items - GNSO Council meeting 21 September 2023

Terri Agnew terri.agnew at icann.org
Mon Sep 25 21:50:00 UTC 2023

Dear Councilors,

Please find the action items, as stated during the meeting, below arising from the GNSO Council meeting held on Thursday, 21 September 2023. Please refer to the Action Item page<https://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Action+Items> for updates on item completion progress.

Please take note of the action items coming out of the Council meeting and the proposed timing for delivering on these actions.
Please refer to this page for the recent status updates on the Action items.

Please note that actions for all councilors are highlighted below.

Item 5: COUNCIL VOTE - Charter for Registration Data Request Service (RDRS) Standing Committee to help inform the next steps on the SSAD policy recommendations (10 minutes)
Action Items:

  1.  The GNSO Secretariat will confirm with the existing EPDP Phase 2 small team members if they are willing to continue as members of the RDRS Standing Committee and/or identify any alternates that may take their place in case of absence. For greater clarity, alternates mean in some cases replacements as required.
  2.  Prior to the launch of the RDRS Standing Committee, the GNSO Council will identify a Chair.
  3.  The GNSO Secretariat will reach out to the EPDP Phase 2 ICANN Board liaison and ICANN org liaison to confirm their willingness to continue in their role on the Standing Committee. If not, a new liaison(s) will be requested to be identified.
  4.  On behalf of the GNSO Council the GNSO Secretariat thanks the EPDP Phase 2 small team for its work to date and appreciates the willingness of its members to continue contributing to this important topic.

Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - SubPro Small Team Updated Assignment Form (20 minutes)
Action Items: As there were no questions, comments, or objections the GNSO Council is deemed to have accepted the updated Assignment Form.

Item 8: ICANN78 Planning  (15 minutes)
Action Items: Staff to develop and distribute a list of agreed upon topics for the bilateral GNSO meetings at ICANN78 with At-Large, ccNSO, GAC, and ICANN Board. GNSO Councilors are encouraged to review and suggest additions or revisions.

Item 9: Cross Community Working Group - Auction Proceeds Response (20 minutes)
Action Items: GNSO Council Leadership to draft a response for Council review to the written update from Xavier Calvez on the progress of ICANN org’s implementation of the Cross Community Working Group’s - Auction Proceeds (CCWG-AP) Final Report, including the concerns expressed during the Council meeting.

Item 10: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (20 minutes)

10.1 GNSO Prep Week Webinar - Tuesday - 10 October at 13:00 UTC
Action Items: GNSO Councilors should note that attendance at the GNSO Prep Week Webinar is mandatory.

10.4 Review of CCOICI pilot
Action Items: The staff support team will work with the Chair of the CCOICI to identify the proposed approach for the review that will be shared with the GNSO Council for its input.

10.6 WS2 Community Coordination Group (CCG) (Manju Chen)
Action Items: The Chair of the CCOICI will communicate to the CCOICI that it is expected to continue to assist with any remaining WS2 items from the CCG that may need a Council response or input.

NEW 10.7 .québec Issue (Sebastien Ducos)
Action Items: Council Leadership to consult with staff to determine the appropriate steps to initiate work on this issue.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Policy Team Supporting the GNSO

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