[Gnso-epdp-idn-team] REMINDER: IDN EPDP Self-Assessment Survey - Deadline 23 June

Ariel Liang ariel.liang at icann.org
Thu Jun 15 18:30:03 UTC 2023

Dear All,

So nice seeing the members/participants who made it to DC, and thanks very much to those who participated our sessions remotely!

As Donna mentioned during our Session 4 today, please be so kind to fill out the Self-Assessment Survey: https://forms.gle/HmuKzYr9JGN4aJwC7 We have extended the deadline to Friday, 23 June. Please see detailed information below.

Thank you all for your input!

Best Regards,

From: Ntfy-gnso-epdp-idn-team <ntfy-gnso-epdp-idn-team-bounces at icann.org> on behalf of Julie Bisland <julie.bisland at icann.org>
Date: Monday, May 22, 2023 at 8:35 AM
To: "ntfy-gnso-epdp-idn-team at icann.org" <ntfy-gnso-epdp-idn-team at icann.org>
Cc: "GNSO-SECS at icann.org" <GNSO-SECS at icann.org>
Subject: [Ntfy-gnso-epdp-idn-team] Your Feedback Requested - IDN EPDP Self-Assessment Survey - Deadline 12 June

Dear EPDP Team Members, Alternates, and Participants,

On 15 March 2023, the GNSO Council approved [gnso.icann.org]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gnso.icann.org/en/council/resolutions/2020-current*202303__;Iw!!PtGJab4!95uy7S0f7DQJTKSOkyHjznG2PsDGrcsl7NzqU6P1Q4P7lBpYAEOkgtp7JVa_PO7rPNqr87IImlFG7UKfeGn3ucEtFVap$> a process and questionnaire for Working Groups to conduct periodic Self-Assessments during their lifecycle. These periodic surveys are intended to supplement Self-Assessments that already occur when a Working Group closes. The goal is to provide the GNSO Council with important information about how its Working Groups are functioning and whether there are any issues that may need to be addressed as the Working Group proceeds.

The IDN EPDP Team has recently delivered its Phase 1 Initial Report for public comment, a key milestone in the Team’s work. This is an opportune moment for the Team to reflect on how the group is functioning and whether there are areas that may benefit from improvement.

Please read the following instructions carefully:

  *   The survey tool is provided in Google Forms and is available at this link: https://forms.gle/HmuKzYr9JGN4aJwC7 [forms.gle]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/HmuKzYr9JGN4aJwC7__;!!PtGJab4!95uy7S0f7DQJTKSOkyHjznG2PsDGrcsl7NzqU6P1Q4P7lBpYAEOkgtp7JVa_PO7rPNqr87IImlFG7UKfeGn3uVtaKkg2$>. The survey is only being shared with Members, Alternates, and Participants. Please do not share this link with others.
  *   Background information and instructions are contained within the survey. There is no login requirement, so you will not need user credentials.
  *   This questionnaire is organized into 22 questions divided into five short sections. Simply answer the questions on each page and, when you reach the end, click “Submit.” If you receive a response that “Your response has been recorded”, your feedback was successfully populated.
  *   There is no option to save and continue later. If you would like to browse the questions in advance, they are published here: https://community.icann.org/display/gnsoworkgroupres/Working+Group+Self-Assessments.
  *   The survey should take approximately 15 minutes depending upon the number of comments you choose to provide.
  *   The survey will be open for three weeks and will close on Monday, 12 June at 23:59 UTC.

A member of the GNSO policy support staff will monitor the completion process and be available to provide technical assistance if needed. If you are having difficulty with the survey and need assistance, you can email gnso-secs at icann.org.

Additional information about how your input will be used:

You may remain anonymous when responding to this survey, meaning that you do not need to provide your name. If you choose to provide your name and/or email address, this will only be seen by staff administering this survey. Staff will only use this information to get in touch with you if there are any follow-up questions after the survey has been administered.

After this survey is closed, a report will be produced summarizing the results. The report will include:

  *   Aggregated responses to all questions in which respondents select from a menu of choices or from a numerical scale.
  *   Full text of any narrative responses, such as comments or explanations of their numerical scores.

The report will be publicly available:

  *   It will be sent to Council leadership, the EPDP leadership team, and the Council liaison to the EPDP and will be shared with the full Council, upon request.
  *   It will be sent to the publicly-archived Working Group mailing list and posted on the Working Group’s public wiki.

Based on the survey results, Council leadership, Council and/or the EPDP leadership team will consider whether there are any changes that should be considered to enhance the Team’s operation.

Thanks for your willingness to provide feedback about the EPDP Team and your participation in it.

Kind regards,

The Policy Development Support Team

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