[gnso-gac-closed-generics] [Ext] RE: FOR INPUT: Participant Red Lines Table

Christian Wheeler christian.wheeler at icann.org
Fri Apr 28 20:02:13 UTC 2023

Hello Jeff,

Thank you for the question. I did mean inserting a literal “comment” where your name is on the table, which will highlight your name and show the comment on the right.

If you look at the current Red Lines Table<https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Iw5dya1WywzeuVBjBfSYDQ80MT-2wCJNPbeNl4kbzw/edit?usp=sharing>, you’ll see I already added comments to some names, just for those of you who indicated your rationale (in discussion or chat) during our two calls this week. If you see your name is already highlighted and want to expand on your rationale, you may add a new comment in the space next to your name, or simply reply to the comment that exists (and if you disagree at all with the existing comment on your name, please reply to it saying as such and I’ll remove it).

I hear you that the right-hand side of the document will (does) look unwieldy with all the comments. However, the alternative is everyone squeezing their comments into the thin columns of the table itself, which then makes the table unwieldy, much longer, and would likely bury other participants’ names. By inserting “comments” instead, this enables anyone to simply click on your highlighted name and it will pull up your rationale, add their own replies if relevant, while keeping the table itself short, clean, uniform, and free of rainbows of text.

I hope this makes sense, and of course if you have any other questions please let us know.

Kind Regards,

From: Jeff Neuman <jeff at jjnsolutions.com>
Date: Friday, April 28, 2023 at 8:42 AM
To: Christian Wheeler <christian.wheeler at icann.org>, "gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org" <gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org>
Subject: [Ext] RE: FOR INPUT: Participant Red Lines Table


This may sound like an obvious question, but when you say you want us to add a comment on our rationale in the document, do you literally mean inserting a “comment” which would appear on the right of the screen, or do you mean writing the actual comment next to our names (using suggestion mode).

I would note that comments that appear on the right of the screen will get unwieldy and be impossible to read if we all inserted actual “comments”.

I hope that make sense.



[cid:image001.png at 01D979D1.A6098DB0]

Jeffrey J. Neuman
Founder & CEO
JJN Solutions, LLC
p: +1.202.549.5079
E: jeff at jjnsolutions.com<mailto:jeff at jjnsolutions.com>
http://jjnsolutions.com [jjnsolutions.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/jjnsolutions.com__;!!PtGJab4!4-zBORcB8lj_5CLsvGvtJLgMR9xHXZ7U2NzpnS_LVxQd35kmcH05CmHdFLeQNosEjL9qEw8WKNGwgZMQ-SOEXeikxD4H7w$>

From: gnso-gac-closed-generics <gnso-gac-closed-generics-bounces at icann.org> On Behalf Of Christian Wheeler
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2023 12:41 PM
To: gnso-gac-closed-generics at icann.org
Subject: [gnso-gac-closed-generics] FOR INPUT: Participant Red Lines Table

Hello all,

Thank you for engaging in today’s call, moving through the Discussion Draft v2 [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1wtLVcyWhyrCaYl1iqlAncaIyrqpS--0aPCTjpwMue7I/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!4-zBORcB8lj_5CLsvGvtJLgMR9xHXZ7U2NzpnS_LVxQd35kmcH05CmHdFLeQNosEjL9qEw8WKNGwgZMQ-SOEXeiUcl2NgQ$> document.

During today’s exercise, each of you used your raised hands reactions to indicate whether a particular framework element represents a “red line” for you (i.e. it must be included, or excluded, in order for you to stand behind the final framework) or whether it presents strong concerns for you (i.e. not disagreement with the element itself, but concerns pertaining to the text, its placement, implementability, etc.). For the framework elements we discussed today, your various positions have been captured in this Participant Red Lines Table [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/14Iw5dya1WywzeuVBjBfSYDQ80MT-2wCJNPbeNl4kbzw/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!4-zBORcB8lj_5CLsvGvtJLgMR9xHXZ7U2NzpnS_LVxQd35kmcH05CmHdFLeQNosEjL9qEw8WKNGwgZMQ-SOEXehRlDIo-g$> document, which can also be found in your Shared Drive [drive.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/folders/0ADxIsih3dRLJUk9PVA__;!!PtGJab4!4-zBORcB8lj_5CLsvGvtJLgMR9xHXZ7U2NzpnS_LVxQd35kmcH05CmHdFLeQNosEjL9qEw8WKNGwgZMQ-SOEXegYTQGQ1w$>.

Please review this Participant Red Lines Table [docs.google.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/14Iw5dya1WywzeuVBjBfSYDQ80MT-2wCJNPbeNl4kbzw/edit?usp=sharing__;!!PtGJab4!4-zBORcB8lj_5CLsvGvtJLgMR9xHXZ7U2NzpnS_LVxQd35kmcH05CmHdFLeQNosEjL9qEw8WKNGwgZMQ-SOEXehRlDIo-g$> document, and where you see your name, add a comment providing your rationale for your red line/concern. Please provide your rationale as soon as possible.

We also encourage you to look ahead at the entire table document, as we will continue today’s exercise for the remaining framework elements on our Wednesday call (4/26 at 20 UTC). Thank you all for your participation, and if you have any questions please let us know.

Kind Regards,
Christian (on behalf of Melissa Allgood and the staff team supporting this Facilitated Dialogue)

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