[NCAP-Discuss] NCAP DG notes: 7 December 2022

Jennifer Bryce jennifer.bryce at icann.org
Thu Dec 8 14:27:10 UTC 2022

Dear NCAP Discussion Group members,

The notes from the 7 December NCAP Discussion Group meeting are attached and will be posted to the meeting record on the wiki: https://community.icann.org/x/UY0-DQ.

The recording can be directly accessed here: https://icann.zoom.us/rec/share/jUov8yYEc6yyMPj2349e_biocoiRkAE-cSZDNDq-aUlH39QTs3wJOJ2PPJE5e4KG.tep6B5p2p8rNKfX9

As listed in the notes, one decision was captured:

  *   Decision: The Co-Chairs agreed that staff should submit a request for a Prep Week webinar ahead of ICANN76 instead of a public update session at the meeting itself, per guidance from the meetings team.

Jennifer Bryce
Project Manager, Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

Skype: jennifer.bryce.icann
Email: jennifer.bryce at icann.org
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