[NCAP-Discuss] Tool names

Anne ICANN anneicanngnso at gmail.com
Thu Dec 7 15:16:26 UTC 2023

Agreed Casey.  Your approach makes sense.

Anne Aikman-Scalese
GNSO Councilor
NomCom Non-Voting 2022-2024
anneicanngnso at gmail.com

On Thu, Dec 7, 2023 at 8:12 AM Casey Deccio <casey at deccio.net> wrote:

> In yesterday's discussion about this, it was suggested that something
> different be used instead of "public interruption" (the "Transport-Layer
> Rejection at Public IP" option).  I agree.  Rubens suggested "Visible
> Interruption".  I like that!  He also suggested "concealed interruption"
> for tool 2.  I personally prefer keeping "controlled interruption" for tool
> 2 one because it already has a history, and I would hate to always have to
> be saying "formerly known as controlled interruption".
> I present it to the group for your thoughts and consensus.
> Tool 1: DNS NODATA Response ("No interruption")
> Tool 2: Transport-Layer Rejection at Local System ("Controlled
> Interruption")
> Tool 3: (UPDATED) Transport-Layer Rejection at Public IP ("Visible
> Interruption")
> Tool 4: (UPDATED) Transport-Layer Rejection and Application-Layer
> Notification at Public IP ("Visible Interruption and Notification")
> Casey
> > On Dec 5, 2023, at 10:38 AM, Casey Deccio <casey at deccio.net> wrote:
> >
> > In the document and in the slides, the descriptions are converging, but
> there is little consistency with regard to the relatively "short" names of
> the tools.  This makes it hard to talk about them in the document, the
> slides, and anywhere else.  Here is a proposal:
> >
> > Tool 1: DNS NODATA Response ("No interruption")
> >
> > (Note that it doesn't go into implementation detail with HINFO but just
> sticks to the behavior.)
> >
> > Tool 2: Transport-Layer Rejection at Local System ("Controlled
> Interruption")
> >
> > (Note that it doesn't mention DNS, which is inferred from the fact that
> there is transport-layer communication happening (even if it is being
> rejected), and it doesn't get into the IP address, which will
> certainly be in the description and details.)
> >
> > Tool 3: Transport-Layer Rejection at Public IP ("Public Interruption")
> >
> > (Note again that it doesn't mention DNS, which is inferred from the fact
> that there is transport-layer communication happening (even if it is being
> rejected), and it simply mentions the IP address as "public".)
> >
> >
> > Tool 4: Transport-Layer Rejection and Application-Layer Notification at
> Public IP ("Public Interruption and Notification")
> >
> > (Same as previous.)
> >
> > Casey
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