[NCAP-Discuss] .INTERNAL proposed as string to meet SSAC113 request….

Warren Kumari warren at kumari.net
Wed Jan 24 18:16:47 UTC 2024

Hi there all,

"SAC113 - SSAC Advisory on Private-Use TLDs
requested that ICANN reserve a string for private use, and that the string
1. A valid DNS label
2. Not already delegated in the root zone.
3. Not confusingly similar to another TLD in existence
4. Relatively short, memorable and meaningful.

The ICANN board asked the IANA to select the string, and I'm please to
announce that they have identified “INTERNAL” as appropriate for this

Prior to review and approval of this reservation by the ICANN Board, they
are seeking feedback on whether the selection complies with the specified
procedure from SAC113, and any other observations that this string would be
an inappropriate selection for this purpose. See the Public Comment page
for link to provide input

Unsurprisingly[0], I think that this is a great option, but (obviously)
please provide whatever feedback you have….

[0]: See Matt Thomas' recent mail (Subject: [NCAP-Discuss] .internal) to
the list,
SSAC113, the fact that I keep droning on about this string and it being
used in various cloud providers, etc as to why y'all probably won't be
surprised that I personally think its a good choice…
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