[NCAP-Discuss] .INTERNAL proposed as string to meet SSAC113 request….

Michael Monarrez Puckett monarrez4565 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 24 20:48:03 UTC 2024

Hello all,

Just want to send 3 FYIs that may be valuable to consider. Do with this
what you will. :)

1. SAC113 references RFC5890 in criterion #1 (A valid DNS label):

2. Sec. 4.4 of RFC5890 mentions “visually similar characters” as a
“Security Consideration.” In certain fonts (Courier New & Times New Roman;
more-so the former), there’s little visual distinction between “internal”
and “interna1”—that is, in the characters {lowercase “L”} and {numeral
“one”}. This can be seen in the example image below: #6&7 and #15&16.

3. There’s a Public Comment from Jothan Frakes supporting the selection of
“INTERNAL” that is “Submitted personally as a maintainer of the PSL, and
not in my role as Co-Chair of the CPH Techops or Executive committee of the

Have fun,
Michael Puckett

On Wed, Jan 24, 2024 at 1:16 PM Warren Kumari <warren at kumari.net> wrote:

> Hi there all,
> "SAC113 - SSAC Advisory on Private-Use TLDs
> <https://itp.cdn.icann.org/en/files/security-and-stability-advisory-committee-ssac-reports/sac-113-en.pdf>"
> requested that ICANN reserve a string for private use, and that the string
> be:
> 1. A valid DNS label
> 2. Not already delegated in the root zone.
> 3. Not confusingly similar to another TLD in existence
> 4. Relatively short, memorable and meaningful.
> The ICANN board asked the IANA to select the string, and I'm please to
> announce that they have identified “INTERNAL” as appropriate for this
> purpose.
> Prior to review and approval of this reservation by the ICANN Board, they
> are seeking feedback on whether the selection complies with the specified
> procedure from SAC113, and any other observations that this string would be
> an inappropriate selection for this purpose. See the Public Comment page
> <https://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/proceeding/proposed-top-level-domain-string-for-private-use-24-01-2024>
> for link to provide input
> Unsurprisingly[0], I think that this is a great option, but (obviously)
> please provide whatever feedback you have….
> W
> [0]: See Matt Thomas' recent mail (Subject: [NCAP-Discuss] .internal) to
> the list,
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/pdf/draft-wkumari-dnsop-internal-00,
> SSAC113, the fact that I keep droning on about this string and it being
> used in various cloud providers, etc as to why y'all probably won't be
> surprised that I personally think its a good choice…
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