[NPOC-EC] Updating our membership list, also on our website

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 06:03:11 UTC 2023


1. Get the list of inactive members from Andrea
> 2. Find out the email addresses of the boards of inactive member
> organisations
> 3. Mail the inactive organisations' boards and ask them whether their
> representative is still who it should be and maybe ask them nicely to
> become active again
> 4. Remind the ones that don't answer after two weeks and/or a month
> 5. Compile new list with the changes resulting from this process
> 6. Update our website with this new current list
> 7. Save the list on our private part of our website, where only EC has
> access to

How are you progressing with this task Caleb? We also need to make sure
that we have a comprehensive list of Alternative Representatives. Where are
the up-to-date lists of our members? We need this information for the
charter review.

These are core membership duties and you should treat them as a priority,
before you do anything else.


On Tue, 1 Nov 2022 at 16:43, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Caleb,
> I think you need to help in collecting the email addresses for the boards
> of the inactive organisations we have.
> 1. Get the list of inactive members from Andrea
> 2. Find out the email addresses of the boards of inactive member
> organisations
> 3. Mail the inactive organisations' boards and ask them whether their
> representative is still who it should be and maybe ask them nicely to
> become active again
> 4. Remind the ones that don't answer after two weeks and/or a month
> 5. Compile new list with the changes resulting from this process
> 6. Update our website with this new current list
> 7. Save the list on our private part of our website, where only EC has
> access to
> I think you can maybe share some of the workload, where Bolutife can do
> some of the communicating to our inactive members, but we should really go
> through this process every year to keep our membership data current. It
> will also be good to save the emails for the board of these organisations.
> Next time this will be a much easier process.
> The reason I want us to do this is actually because some organisations
> don't even seem to exist anymore, some reps are dead and so on...
> -Raoul
> On Tue, 1 Nov 2022, 14:39 Caleb Olumuyiwa Ogundele, <muyiwacaleb at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't have super admin access like Andrea and the vendor to make the
>> changes you desire on the CiviCRM.
>> However, I'm working with Andrea to sort this out.
>> While I appreciate that time is of essence, I will appreciate if I'm not
>> pressured on things not directly under my control I can't make direct
>> changes to as this involves multiple parties and I don't have a super admin
>> account to extract, delete or add.
>> I will let you know when staff is done working on the request.
>> Thank you.
>> On Tue., Nov. 1, 2022, 2:14 a.m. Raoul Plommer, <plommer at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Caleb,
>>> Did you understand what you need to do?
>>> -Raoul
>>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 14:34, Bolutife Adisa <adisabolutifeo at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Alright then. I’ll wait till then.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Bolutife.
>>>> On 31. Oct 2022, at 12:57, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Bolutife,
>>>> I think you need to wait a little that Andrea gets the database in
>>>> order. Otherwise you'll have to do it again.
>>>> Sam LanFranco is still here:
>>>> https://members.ncsg.is/npoc_members_public ...and this list comes
>>>> straight from our member database. To actually save us some trouble, we
>>>> could just link to this page, although embedding the list would be better.
>>>> It would also be good to maintain some list that is updated annually only,
>>>> just to make sure we have records of our members. It would be terrible if
>>>> we somehow lost this list and the emails on it, for example.
>>>> Bolutife, I think you can wait on updating our page until Caleb and
>>>> Andrea have updated the member list in the database. You could also wait
>>>> until we have contacted the boards of these organisations to hear from
>>>> them, whether the information about their representative is up to date.
>>>> -Raoul
>>>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2022 at 12:57, Bolutife Adisa <adisabolutifeo at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rauol,
>>>>> I will proceed with updating the membership list on the website.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Bolutife.
>>>>> > On 31. Oct 2022, at 11:12, Raoul Plommer <plommer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 
>>>>> > Hello Bolutife and Caleb,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > We'd really need to go through our member list and see if it's
>>>>> up-to-date. At the moment it's not.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > It'd be best, if our membership list on our website was taken
>>>>> straight out of the NCSG database and was then presented on our website.
>>>>> But that's a minor thing, really.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Caleb, if you could work with Andrea and ask her to send all the
>>>>> inactive organisations an email, asking whether their representative is who
>>>>> they are supposed to be. It'd be best to send this query to the board of
>>>>> the organisation in question, not the ordinary or alternative member.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I know this is a bit of a cumbersome task, but the email only has to
>>>>> be written once and sent as bcc. I guess the hardest part is to find out
>>>>> the addresses of the boards, but I think this is the only way to have our
>>>>> database valid and up-to-date. For the future, it'd be good to maintain
>>>>> these board addresses somewhere with our other admin files. You could ask
>>>>> Andrea to help us with this and add this address field in the NCSG/NPOC
>>>>> application form also.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > -Raoul
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