[NPOC-EC] [Ext] Fwd: Updating our membership list, also on our website

Raoul Plommer plommer at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 14:47:19 UTC 2023

> 1. Get the list of inactive members from Andrea
> *Andrea and I have worked behind the scene. There is no way to determine
> if a member is active or not if they do not do the annual check-in. I
> believe this can only be achieved at a specific time of the year as
> removing anyone from the CiviCRM without just cause will amount to
> unilateral revoking a member's status.*

This is what I meant. Get the list of people who did not do the annual
check-in and email their organisation. After they have not checked in, I
think it's fair enough to expose them to question whether they would still
like to be a member in a group where they do not even bother to vote.

2. Find out the email addresses of the boards of inactive member
> organizations
> *The CiviCRM has lots of issues and doesn't have a friendly GUI to extract
> contact information. More importantly, we have been having difficulty
> approving members of NPOC who we did lots of outreach to at KL.*

You don't need CiviCRM for this. In fact you can not use CiviCRM for this
task, since it's the organisation you should be asking, not the

> 3. Mail the inactive organizations' boards and ask them whether
> their representative is still who it should be and maybe ask them nicely to
> become active again
> *I cannot carry out this function if the CiviCRM is not fixed which will
> allow for the mass export of members' details is not fixed. The NCSG EC is
> at a point of fixing lots of technical issues on the platform. This has
> affected our potential members.*

Check my answer to number two.

> 4. Remind the ones that don't answer after two weeks and/or a month
> *Refer to my answer above in No. 3.*

Check my answer to number two.

> 5. Compile new list with the changes resulting from this process
> *Refer to my answer above in No. 3.*

Check my answer to number two

> 6. Update our website with this new current list
> *I believe the communications chair is the one to update the website.*

Yes, and that's the very easy part. Once you have the list of "dead"
organisations, we can stop their membership. Then the communication chair
will update the list on our website, unless that's automatically taken from
our membership database. (I don't think it should be)

> *However, when we make updates on the CRM and changes are made, this links
> <https://members.ncsg.is/npoc_members_public> automatically update. I do
> not know if this has  stopped.*

By comparing the lists, you can very quickly tell, that they are not
identical. In fact, the very first item tells you that, had you bothered to
have a look.

> 7. Save the list on the private part of our website, where only EC has
> access to
> *We cannot put people's email on the website. It will be a breach of their
> privacy.*

It's not violating the users privacy, since the EC is able to access the
membership data anyway (or at least should be).

Please start working on this task immediately and this time, please keep me
posted, if there are any obstacles preventing you from doing this task.

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