[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2: RSSAC Lexicon

Brian Dickson brian.peter.dickson at gmail.com
Wed Jan 29 06:17:13 UTC 2020

On Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 8:29 PM Wes Hardaker <hardaker at isi.edu> wrote:

> > We could, as the layering goes on, define “anycast site” as an entry
> into the routing system which then is apropos actual usage and less about
> physical interpretations or indeed the number of instances that happen to
> be at that anycast site. Just a thought.
> That works for me too.  I hesitate to create more terms just for the sake
> of it.  When speaking to a large number of people that really don't grasp
> the technology well, less terms is often more useful that more terms.
> Conversations at ICANN meetings tend to prove this.  But maybe the right
> attitude is to drop complex terms in simple conversations.

(Copied and tweaked from another thread)

Here's a brief attempt at this:

Anycast is the routing technique of advertising the reachability of a
> prefix from more than one router, typically (but not exclusively) as a
> global BGP announcement.

 An *anycast routing instance* is a single such routing announcement.

 Root Server Instance (aka *anycast instance of a root server identity)* is
> the server or set of servers reachable via a single* anycast routing
> instance* of the corresponding identity's IPv4 and/or IPv6 prefix.

It leaves unspecified any of the (IMHO unimportant details) of what the
servers actually are (physical/virtual, dedicated/shared), and leaves the
"network location" as an abstracted "anycast routing instance", for similar
It also allows for flexibility in whether the servers are single-stack or
dual-stack for IPv4/IPv6 announcements/services.


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