[RSSAC Caucus] [Ext] FOR REVIEW: RSSAC026v2: RSSAC Lexicon

Wes Hardaker hardaker at isi.edu
Wed Jan 29 04:28:31 UTC 2020

> We could, as the layering goes on, define “anycast site” as an entry into
the routing system which then is apropos actual usage and less about
physical interpretations or indeed the number of instances that happen to
be at that anycast site. Just a thought.

That works for me too.  I hesitate to create more terms just for the sake
of it.  When speaking to a large number of people that really don't grasp
the technology well, less terms is often more useful that more terms.
Conversations at ICANN meetings tend to prove this.  But maybe the right
attitude is to drop complex terms in simple conversations.
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