[RSSAC Caucus] Rogue Operator Work Party: Source of zone data

P Vixie paul at redbarn.org
Mon Oct 12 06:51:41 UTC 2020

Fred Baker writes:

> ...
> Speaking strictly for myself, I would argue, as you did in your email,  
> that getting the root zone from another party has a safety issue in it -  
> how do we know it has the right data? I could imagine an RSO downloading  
> the relevant files to somewhere in its own cloud, and then distributing  
> from there to its constellation. Doing so would offload the RZM source.  
> But I would consider getting the first copy from anywhere else as unsafe.

i don't think the patient can be only a little bit pregnant. either the dns  
technical community considers dnssec proof against forgery, or we don't.  
what unsafety issue do you imagine which falls somewhere in the middle?


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