[RSSAC Caucus] Principles Guiding the Operation of the Public Root Server System

Lars-Johan Liman liman at netnod.se
Sat Mar 6 08:50:47 UTC 2021


Thanks! Your comments are duly noted, and I think you have a very good
point. I will definitely approach this from a new starting point.

Please let me work through the document from this new angle, and I'll
get back to you all with a (probably) rather different document.

See my previous mail to the list.

Apologies, again, to you all.

				Best regards,

rssac-caucus at icann.org 2021-03-05 15:30 [+0000]:
> On Mar 5, 2021, at 5:38 AM, Andrew McConachie via rssac-caucus
> <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:
>> The RSSAC has started working on a document further describing the
>> eleven guiding principles of the RSS.
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/16PaN5_liBOVuIOEoEIUApY_l25XWsL-xkzbG3dbcpGY/> 
>> Work on the document is ongoing. So please add any comments you may have.

> In reading the document, it is clear that while the top-level
> principles are similar, the underlying text has been radically
> changed.

> As a first example, the old text under #2 says:
>    RSOs are committed to serving the IANA global root DNS namespace. Root servers provide
>    DNS answers containing complete and unmodified DNS data, including
> DNS Security Extensions
>    (DNSSEC) data.[1] In addition, IANA maintains the necessary technical information
>    identifying root servers.[2]
> That commitment was used as the basis for other requirements in
> RSSAC037, and for the correctness checking in RSSAC047.

> However, that commitment has been completely removed in this new
> document. Similarly, in principle #2, the responsibility to provide a
> high-quality service to the Internet.

> What is the reason for such removals? To me, they seemed like a
> excellent part of the principles.

> --Paul Hoffman

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