[RSSAC Caucus] Principles Guiding the Operation of the Public Root Server System

Lars-Johan Liman liman at netnod.se
Tue Mar 16 16:50:51 UTC 2021

Paul, all,

I have now gone over the document and added the explanatory short
sentences from the original text in RSSAC 037 to each statement. I have
also adressed a lot of the editorial comments made, accepting almost all
of them.

There are a number of comments that refer to content still open, and my
plan is to work through them during the work session on Tuesday. Please
join if you are interested.

The document is still at ...



rssac-caucus at icann.org 2021-03-06 09:50 [+0100]:
> Paul,

> Thanks! Your comments are duly noted, and I think you have a very good
> point. I will definitely approach this from a new starting point.

> Please let me work through the document from this new angle, and I'll
> get back to you all with a (probably) rather different document.

> See my previous mail to the list.

> Apologies, again, to you all.

> 				Best regards,
> 				  /Liman

> rssac-caucus at icann.org 2021-03-05 15:30 [+0000]:
>> On Mar 5, 2021, at 5:38 AM, Andrew McConachie via rssac-caucus
>> <rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:
>>> The RSSAC has started working on a document further describing the
>>> eleven guiding principles of the RSS.
>>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/16PaN5_liBOVuIOEoEIUApY_l25XWsL-xkzbG3dbcpGY/> 
>>> Work on the document is ongoing. So please add any comments you may have.

>> In reading the document, it is clear that while the top-level
>> principles are similar, the underlying text has been radically
>> changed.

>> As a first example, the old text under #2 says:
>> RSOs are committed to serving the IANA global root DNS namespace. Root servers provide
>> DNS answers containing complete and unmodified DNS data, including
>> DNS Security Extensions
>> (DNSSEC) data.[1] In addition, IANA maintains the necessary technical information
>> identifying root servers.[2]
>> That commitment was used as the basis for other requirements in
>> RSSAC037, and for the correctness checking in RSSAC047.

>> However, that commitment has been completely removed in this new
>> document. Similarly, in principle #2, the responsibility to provide a
>> high-quality service to the Internet.

>> What is the reason for such removals? To me, they seemed like a
>> excellent part of the principles.

>> --Paul Hoffman

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