[RSSAC Caucus] RSSAC002v5: New title for section 3.1

Ray Bellis ray at isc.org
Fri Mar 3 11:12:34 UTC 2023

On 02/03/2023 17:46, Paul Hoffman wrote:

> That seems too abbreviated, but might be OK. The best I could come
> up with is  "The time elapsed between receipt of a new zone and 
> serving", which may be too long.

I don't think that's a useful title.

We're not trying to measure how long a name server takes to start using 
the zone data once it has received it.   We're trying to measure how 
long it takes the data to propagate from the RZM to the name server 

We did discuss that there might be a short delay between zone "receipt" 
and serving, but that's of the order of a second or so, and lost in the 


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