[RSSAC Caucus] From Jeff - Messaging Workshop: Explaining the Root Server System

Ken Renard kdrenard2 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 07:57:45 UTC 2024

On Mon, Jun 10, 2024 at 3:00 PM Paul Vixie via rssac-caucus <
rssac-caucus at icann.org> wrote:

> team, can we review the problem statement that yielded this draft?

Ken's recollection of how we got here:

This all came out of the idea that we (RSSAC, RSS) have a "PR problem"
within the ICANN community and among some regulators.  This could be
generalized as a lack of understanding, and in some cases, a
mis-understanding of how the RSS works, how RSOs work together, and how
secure/robust the RSS actually is.  We started to put together a list of
important concepts about the RSS and then map those to specific audiences.
We then selected a specific audience to target first: regulators or their
staff that would be able to digest some technical content and help support
the dialog between RSSAC/RSS/RSOs and regulators.  We had a 3-page paper
that conveyed the basic concepts and sacrificed some accuracy for brevity.
The group then shifted focus to the misperception that all DNS queries
result in an exchange with the RSS which is conveyed in the current
document.  This document has been presented as a 15-minute talk to several
small, mostly non-technical, audiences and has been well received.  This
may become a numbered RSSAC document in the future, but for now it is being
used to educate and initiate dialog with regulators and other non-technical

(my use of the term "non-technical audiences" here is a bit overzealous.
More accurately, it should be "those not intimately familiar with DNS and
the RSS")

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